Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Tuesday 30th March 2010 - Easter

300310 Easter
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
I shall start with a very subtle hint as to where we're going with this blog. The 21st February 2010.

Today goes to EASTER. Now, like a lot of you, I enjoy Easter for the vast amounts of chocolate and crap you can eat, without feeling guilty. At the weekend, I understood the Easter story a bit better, and if the 2012 prophecy comes about, I don't think I'll be going up, let's put it that way. I really enjoyed the concert we went to, and I do believe in God and Jesus and all that, but some of it is just too far fetched. For me anyway - that's my opinion. Of course, you're all entitled to your opinions. (Don't report my blog....)

I really don't like Good Friday - fish all day? A meal ain't a meal without meat. Then Easter Saturday is seriously boring, because you just sit around watching reruns of Songs of Praise. Easter Sunday is alright I guess, but the afternoon is like any Sunday - dull, boring and drags on forever.

But Easter Sunday is usually the day I use to reflect on how poor the last 40 days have been. You see, the 21st of February was Dedicated to LENT. And that failed quite miserably this year. Isobel and I chose each other's lents; I got swearing and blaspheming, and she got junk food. I broke mine within a day or so - when something is part of everyday language, its very hard to cut it out. Isobel lasted a few more days (before lying to me!) but has kept going with crisps. But where is this leading, I hear you ask?

Today, I can unveil my first big plan of the summer. April will be known as LATE LENT - 30 days of me cutting back on my heavy swearing and blaspheming. I can't promise a total give-up of them - its very difficult. It would be like me saying 'give up every word you say that begins with a W' - its tough! So I shall cut back, and hope, and will let you know what I do with that!

We start Thursday. Part one of my big summer plan!

EASTER, you are the Day Dedicatee for Tuesday 30th March 2010.

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