Saturday, 13 March 2010

Saturday 13th March 2010 - University

130310 University
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Yesterday, Isobel and I went to a university fair with a lot of other kids from school. It was good, but it made me realise something. UNIVERSITY really isn't that far off.

In about 18 months, I will be settling down to my first week at university. Away from family, friends, and all the other people I have found comfort in over the last 16 years. Yes, it will be a whole new experience in something that I WANT to do, but its a very daunting one.

For the last 5 or 6 years, I've wanted to be a sports journalist. I still want to be, but I don't think my writing is that great. I can blog, I can write diaries, but I can't review particularly well, and I'm not doing great in English, so it could prove against me. So I've got to look at other avenues for myself, in case I can't get the right grade.

I've started to like the idea of teaching. I'd be quite picky over where I teach, but I like the idea of being able to inspire kids. I like charity work too, but that's not exactly great pay. So there are some ideas to work with I guess!

Anyway, the big prospect of university is on its way. Joy.

UNIVERSITY, you are the Day Dedicatee for Saturday 13th March 2010.

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