Thursday, 4 March 2010

Thursday 4th March 2010 - Year 10

040310 Year 10
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Thought that picture would get your attention. No, that isn't what they're doing, you dirty minded individual. Apparently its a scene from a play. Which one, Equus?!

Anyway, today goes to YEAR 10. Had a lot of time to think this morning - we discussed Head Boy, and potential candidates, and couldn't actually think of anyone good enough, or who stood out enough, for the job. Max and I wanted to go as a team, so we'd split the roles, so do half the amount of work twice as good. We thought it could work - but Mrs Lansdown (Head of Sixth Form, if you're interested) said no. So back to the drawing board.

Now this year's current Year 9's are actually a really nice bunch of kids. I teach them for my enrichment, and I really enjoy it. But currently, there is no support for them, so I'm running for Year 10 Prefect next year. No-one's ever done it, and no-one has ever willingly put themselves forward for a non-existent post, so it could work brilliantly, or go completey tits up. Either way, its worth a shot.

Briefly, completely off topic, I'm thinking the blog needs another redesign. Any suggestions?

YEAR 10, you are the Day Dedicatees for Thursday 4th March 2010.

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