Sunday, 28 March 2010

Saturday 27th March 2010 - Women + Football

270310 Women + Football
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
It was exactly a month ago today I was at Lady Gaga. Weird how life goes, int it?!

Anyway, today goes to WOMEN + FOOTBALL. First time we've had a Dedicatee that has a symbol in it. Its been a better day - can you tell?

Isobel and I spent the whole day together - was really good. But trying to get her to watch the United game this evening was like getting blood out of a stone. Now I understand that some women actually really enjoy football - and most of them understand the Beautiful Game. But when you have to bargain to be able to watch the last 15 minutes of each half, it suddenly sucks all the fun out of it!

Anyway, we sat down, and she hated it. Like proper hated it. She jumped at the chance of curling Katie's hair. So I sat and revelled in the game. Happy days.

But yeah, I apologise to all those women who do understand and enjoy football, but men, if your girlfriend/wife/sister/auntie/mum/transvestite sits down to watch the football because you've forced her, just send her away. It's easier.

WOMEN + FOOTBALL, you are the Day Dedicatee for Saturday 27th March 2010.

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