Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Tuesday 7th September 2010 - Tim Waterstone

070910 Tim Waterstone
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
So, first day back was yesterday, and it was a bit mad. Yes, I had Daybreak, but I lost the one thing I was looking forward to this year - Business Studies with Damian and Mrs Ganguly. Because of a timetable clash that affects me and me alone, I have to move Business groups to be in the other one, so it accommodates my timetable. Stupidly complicated, and actually very annoying too.

Now I'm stuck with a bunch of unknown people, all of whom had Mr Wilson last year, so will be miles behind. And we have a New Zealander called Ms Pack as our new teacher. Fun.

But not only that, but I finally got paid today. It meant I could go and splash out on something to calm me down, and to soothe me. What do I buy? Nigella.

Of course.

But without the bloke to the top of the page, it couldn't have happened. Today goes to TIM WATERSTONE, seeing as it was he who not only gave me my first proper job (sort of), but also made me known in Waterstone's Hitchin.

Honestly, my time at WS was some of the best I've ever had. We had such a laugh, it was good fun, I loved every single person there, and I was surrounded by the few things I love at work - smiling customers, lots of incoming money, and books.

If it weren't for Tim, Waterstone's wouldn't even exist in Hitchin. We'd still have a boring old Ottakar's. And who wants that?!

So, TIM WATERSTONE, you are the Day Dedicatee for Tuesday 7th September 2010.

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