Sunday, 5 September 2010

Friday 3rd September 2010 - Will Pearce

030910 Will Pearce
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Its apparently Friday. In real terms, its Sunday night, I'm nursing a 'headache', and school starts tomorrow. Oh, and I have to find time for a run too, so I apologise if this is horribly slow and boring.

Having had two evenings of chatting and working out what had happened over the summer, today goes to WILL PEARCE. He also received a blog on DD Mk I, so lets see how this one compares with the rest.

Now apparently, Will isn't best pleased with me. I don't honestly know why. I had an inkling that something like this was up, but had it confirmed this week.

Honestly though, I don't have a clue. Yes, Will usually ends up as the scapegoat, but it's always me that takes the wrap for whatever anyone else says. I don't know why, but hey ho.

I wouldn't want to lose Willby as a friend over something so petty - he's the kind of bloke you can see yourself having a pint with on a Tuesday lunchtime. We all share interests, but I feel I share the most with Willby.

I dunno if you'll ever find this, Will. But whatever I've done, Wilbur, I'm sorry. I'll do me very best to sort it all out from tomorrow onwards, and make sure it doesn't happen again.

WILL PEARCE, you are the Day Dedicatee for Friday 3rd September 2010.

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