There was one person who never received a blog first time round, who I thought should definitely get one. This time, there's no escaping. And boy does she deserve today.
Having been hunting around on the internet all morning for a pair of running shorts (which, just so as you all know, I didn't find...), I had to rush to school to get up to the Girl's School. Now, seeing as I was walking by myself, I flicked me iPod on shuffle, and wandered on in, slowly building a running playlist for training for when I do the run in May.
Now, then when I came home, I put my iPod on again, but without the shuffle. And just playing the same stuff over and over again. It's been going since 4 o'clock this afternoon, and it's just gone 10, and it's still pumping out the music. I even went downstairs and left it on.
But why did I do this, I hear you ask? Well, here's why. Why turn off KYLIE MINOGUE?!?!
It would be the most stupid decision known to man. She is a big, big inspiration to me, and I love every song she's released, and every album is genius.
Having battled cancer, deciding to take a hiatus, and then gained her place as the Princess of Pop very quickly after returning, by churning out some brilliant tours and records, she's popped back up now with Aphrodite, and the Les Folies Tour.
Now sadly, the tour is a bit too expensive for me - if there was only one of me, I might splash out, but you can't go to Kylie without a friend! So that will have to wait, so until I can afford to actually go to a tour, I will keep playing the songs again and again.
She may 42, and she may have been an actress, a singer, a dancer, an author, a business woman, and a perfume creator, but she is still The One to beat. See what I did there?!
Miss KYLIE MINOGUE, you are the Day Dedicatee for Thursday 9th September 2010.
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