I said in September that nothing will get a blog twice, and technically, I haven't - just a different name and the same meaning. So I apologise in advance if I am repeating myself.
But if I'm honest, it is something that needs repeating. The HAITI APPEAL takes today, two weeks after the devastation of the earthquake destroyed a nation.
Over $1b still remains as Haiti's national debt - a figure that thousands, including myself, believe should be cancelled out to help one of the world's poorest nations cope with the worst catastophe to hit the island in current times.
150,000 people have died, with over a million now homeless. People believe it may take over a decade to help rebuild the nation. Billions around the globe have seen the disaster on their TV sets, so aid is now getting to the nation.
Over $100m has been raised in America alone - $58m from George Clooney's telethon. That in itself is somehting to be very proud of. Millions of dollars of aid has been given by the rest of the world, and we have all pulled together.
But the world needs to remain united to help those in need. Not just in Haiti, but in Africa too. Over a third of the world's population live in poverty, and if the Queen sold her private art collection, we could solve it twice over. Simple really, isn't it? A collection that you don't look at, or changing 2 billion people's lives?!
So thankyou so so much for all your help so far, and please keep helping the world, not just Haiti. You can be the difference to change a life.
HAITI APPEAL, you are the Day Dedicatee for Tuesday 26th January 2010.
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