Sunday, 24 January 2010

Sunday 24th January 2010 - Yes Man - New Beginnings

240110 New Beginnings
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
So, the end of Yes Man is nigh. Thankfully. It has been a bit of a hinderence, and at times I'd wished I'd never even started, but in hindsight, its been a blessing in disguise.

This picture, to your right, is an oak tree. An oak tree is very symbolic of my week. An oak tree will grow very old, but will spawn new life every year, bringing an acorn to the ground with a thud, and growing a completely new tree, deriving from itself. A NEW BEGINNING.

So how does that link to my week? Well things I've said and done have led to a lot of ease for other people. And at the time, it looked like it could have become something that would be moment defining, and be the point of no return. But now, looking back, everything has pieced together and seems to finally, after years of hassle, be sorting itself out.

Its been a lovely week of sorts, a week to just get away from everything of the previous week, and be able to start again. Within a week, I have a new bedroom, with almost a lounge-like feel where I can escape to when things get too much. A new beginning.

It has kickstarted myself and Isobel, giving us a whole new lease of life - not that we needed one. It has led to a few arguments and spats, but has strengthened us. So much so, that this week, Isobel is becoming a Yes Girl. Something I don't think she saw happening last week. A new beginning.

Eiben and I decided on Monday to attempt to set up a school radio station, with which we could try and get the community involved. Its been honed down to a podcast, but for us, its still our baby. Its something we can look after, get really stuck into, and enjoy. A new beginning.

It has also led to someone, who shall remain nameless (mainly after my last fracas with naming someone, and the libel threats...) finally confronting his fears and doing something completely outside of his personality. Which could lead either way. It could elad to him being kicked while he's down, in which case we pick him back up and start again. Or it could elad to something that doesn't affect him anymore and he can enjoy every second. A new beginning.

You see, I didn't set about becoming a Yes Man just so I could say Yes more. Thats what I did last time, and it failed. And yes, this time I felt like it had failed again. But so many more doors and opportunities have opened up this week because of being positive, and using one simple word.


NEW BEGINNINGS, you are the Day Dedicatee for Sunday 24th January 2010.

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