Sunday, 31 January 2010

Saturday 30th January 2010 - Marathon

300110 Marathon
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Okay, so this one has a double meaning. Today goes to MARATHON.

No, not the old name for a Snickers bar, but for two reasons. The first is something for today. Isobel and I spent 13 hours in each others company - the first tiem we've done that in an absoltue age, so, we had a marathon day. Get it?! Was a brillaint day - everything went just as we wanted it too!

But the second one is something I've wanted to do for a while. I'd like to run a marathon.

Now next year, I want to run the London Marathon, but I a) cannot apply, as I won't be 18 when I do apply, and b) it will be full already! It happens on my 18th birthday weekend, so I thought it would be something amazing to do to remember it.

But instead, I'm starting to look into half marathons. Training shouldn't be too bad - 13 miles can be achieved in a few months. Plus, Isobel's dad is running the Edinburgh half marathon this year, so I have someone to talk to about it all!

The last few weeks with the Haitian earthquake has made me want to do soemthing abotu disasters. I've got the 'fundraising' bug I guess - I want to run for Oxfam and raise thousands.

So, I'd quite like you all to suggest somewhere relatively close by, and that runs in the summer, for a half marathon. Very exciting project, and also, another idea for Book IX!

My Twitter is to the right, my email address can be used via Blogger - please please please let me know! Thankyou!

MARATHON, you are the Day Dedicatee for Saturday 30th January 2010.

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