Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Tuesday 12th January 2010 - People

120110 People
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
I could easily post a snidy, disgusting, horrible blog today, but instead, I'm going to put a positive light on it. Today's Day goes to PEOPLE.

Now some 'things' have gone on the last few days - some of which I can't mention due to my Blogger warning. But there have been other people who instead of being negative about it all, have looked at things in a positive light. Who understand things, but are looking at things in a lateral sense, with an unlimited timescale.

Which is a scary thing, because you take a timescale away and things seem a lot longer than they are. And that suddenly gets a lot more scary. So 'things' need to sort themselves out quickly, before the next 2 years or so drag on like a dead limb.

But still, positive people are better than negative. Smiles all round!

PEOPLE, you are the Day Dedicatee for Tuesday 12th January 2010.

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