Saturday, 9 January 2010

Saturday 9th January 2010 - The Seldom Seen Kid

090110 The Seldom Seen Kid
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
One that I probably should have done last year, but one that definitely needs doing.

Today has been spent mainly cataloguing things - books, DVDs and CDs all during today. But when going through my CDs, I noticed that actually, a lot of the ones in my rack need replacing, so I set about replenishing them. Admittedly, I had over 150 to pick from, but still couldn't find the right ones. I needed two more, so onto Play I got.

And straight away I found them. Jack Johnson's soundtrack to 'Curious George' takes the spot on the first rack, with Elbow's new live album the second. Because, ladies and gentlemen, one of my favourite albums last year was THE SELDOM SEEN KID.

Yes, yes, I know. It came out in 2008. And it won awards in 2008. But last year was when I personally found this album, so it goes into my 2009 category. And how glad I am to have found it as well. Vocals across the whole album are incredible - the way they sing in their thick Manchester accents makes it an almost surreal listen. The first half is slightly better than the second half, but One Day Like This comes on and 6 minutes of bliss appears.

So, I cannot wait for this album to arrive. Seriously.

THE SELDOM SEEN KID, or more specifically, Elbow, you are the Day Dedicatee for Saturday 9th January 2010.

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