Sunday, 31 January 2010

Sunday 31st January 2010 - Roger Federer

310110 Roger Federer
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
So, the last day of the month, the 150th Day Dedicatee, and in my opinion, the greatest sportsman of all time. Ladies and gentlemen, ROGER FEDERER.

I think the facts and stats say it all, if I'm honest. Career earnings of over $53 million, and winner of 16 Grand Slam titles. That makes him the best player ever in terms of titles. 23 consecutive Grand Slam semi-finals, 10 consecutive Grand Slam finals, and a run of featuring in 18 out of 19 Grand Slam finals. He has won 4 ATP Tour finals, 16 ATP Master series, and is only one win away from being the best ever within the tour. 62 career titles, and a winning rate of over 80%. Olympic gold medalist, World Sportsman of the Year for 4 years running. He was ranked as the best in the world for 237 consecutive weeks, and is back to being world number 1, where he should be.

So, you'd think he spends all of his time training on the courts? Wrong. Slap bang in his recent Australian Open success, he organised and competed in a 'Hit for Haiti' tournament - raising over $200,000 for the Haiti appeal with exhibition matches. He has his own foundation, which helps disadvantaged people. He is a UNICEF ambassador, and campaigns against AIDS. Do I continue?

His sonsers deem him so good, and such a valuable asset, that he is tied down to LIFETIME contracts with both Nike and Wilson. He even has his own range within Nike - which he personally designs.

He comes across as the bloke you want to get to know. His poise, his accuracy, his vast array of shots. His ability to know where the ball is going, his concentration, his good nature, his kindness on and off the court. He is an idol to millions across the world, me included. If I came out as anything like Roger Federer, I know I've done something right.

Balance all that with being a husband, a new father of twin girls, and a being a religious man, and that is why he is the greatest that ever lived.

ROGER FEDERER, you are the Day Dedicatee for Sunday 31st January 2010.

Saturday 30th January 2010 - Marathon

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Okay, so this one has a double meaning. Today goes to MARATHON.

No, not the old name for a Snickers bar, but for two reasons. The first is something for today. Isobel and I spent 13 hours in each others company - the first tiem we've done that in an absoltue age, so, we had a marathon day. Get it?! Was a brillaint day - everything went just as we wanted it too!

But the second one is something I've wanted to do for a while. I'd like to run a marathon.

Now next year, I want to run the London Marathon, but I a) cannot apply, as I won't be 18 when I do apply, and b) it will be full already! It happens on my 18th birthday weekend, so I thought it would be something amazing to do to remember it.

But instead, I'm starting to look into half marathons. Training shouldn't be too bad - 13 miles can be achieved in a few months. Plus, Isobel's dad is running the Edinburgh half marathon this year, so I have someone to talk to about it all!

The last few weeks with the Haitian earthquake has made me want to do soemthing abotu disasters. I've got the 'fundraising' bug I guess - I want to run for Oxfam and raise thousands.

So, I'd quite like you all to suggest somewhere relatively close by, and that runs in the summer, for a half marathon. Very exciting project, and also, another idea for Book IX!

My Twitter is to the right, my email address can be used via Blogger - please please please let me know! Thankyou!

MARATHON, you are the Day Dedicatee for Saturday 30th January 2010.

Friday, 29 January 2010

Friday 29th January 2010 - iPad

290110 iPad
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
As promised, here it is. My very own, very short but info-filled review of the new iPAD, Apple's new device that will take over the world.

The iPad is what is known as a tablet - kind of a laptop-smartphone cross. Imagine a big iPod Touch, fitted with a laptop screen. Thats the way I've been describing it! Its screen is 9.7 inches wide, and can manage a whopping 10 hours battery life. Thats incredible for this kind of device, for those of you who don't know.

It can access the internet, you can type documents, play games, listen to music, read books - you can do everything you want on this thing. It is just like the iPod was 6 or 7 years ago - just before it took the world by storm.

This device, however, has the best bit of recent software I can remember. iBooks looks stunning, I haven't been in awe of this kind of thing in a very long time. As much as I like the idea of picking up a book and reading, if anything will kill off the good old fashioned paperback, iBooks will be it. Thats it in the picture. It is just like a big bookshelf, on yours screen. You flick the pages as you're reading, you can fold them down as a bookmark. You cans tore hundreds of books on this kind of device, and the screen just makes it look stunning - especially if you fill your bookshelf. Just a brilliant thing.

The iPad is a whole new field of imagination. Everyone knew it was coming, but no-one knew it would be this good. Just a class piece of hardware that will take over the world. 8m of them to be sold next year ALONE - brilliant. And I will be one of them.

iPAD, you are the Day Dedicatee for Frdaiy 29th January 2010.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Thursday 28th January 2010 - Confessions on a Dance Floor

I was thinking about this one earlier. Its not going to be anything like the last few days, but a completely different one - out of the blue.

I wondered if I could do something with music each week on here - like Music Monday or something. But I've decided not to, cos eventually I will run out of things to do, so instead, will just keep going and maybe use the Music Monday idea for Book VIII!

Today goes to CONFESSIONS ON A DANCE FLOOR. Madonna's 2005 release saw her reinvent herself as a dance diva, and this album is incredible. I can listen to it from start to finish and not get bored - so many good records on here.

Get Toegther, Sorry, Hung Up, I Love New York, Isaac, How High. Just brilliant. If you like your dance music a bit more poppy, here is your album.

CONFESSIONS ON A DANCE FLOOR, you are the Day Dedicatee for Thursday 28th January 2010.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Wednesday 27th January 2010 - Repentance

270110 Repentance
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
I've decided to swap blogs around. My original intentions was to do something on the Apple iPad, but have decided to leave that until tomorrow. Now, I have written soemthing based on something that happened tonight.

Every time I say something, I never think back to what it is, or was. Very occasionally, I will, mainly because I've realised what I've said. Eearlier today, that was the case, and today, we have a feeling blog. REPENTANCE.

Later on in life, I may live to either thank, or regret this blog, but hey ho. Eearlier, I said some things which were unjust, and I have thought about, and believe that they were probably tasteless and wrong remarks to make, given the situation and the timing of it all. After much delibaration, I have decided to write this mainly to try and release all the feelings and emotions I have trapped through tonight. Violence is never the key, but if you hit your head against the wall hard enough, you'll realise whats wrong and then try and make up for your mistakes. Its how everything works in life, but if you retrace your footsteps and repent what you said, then thats when things get stronger, better and they work.

Now, I believe I have made the right decision - I sat here earlier wondering whether to write this in a very blunt manner, or whether to write it very vaguely, so only those invovled know what is going on. Getting that balance was key, and hopefully, I've got it right.

I do wish I had never said the thigns I did, but I think that getting them out now will aid the possibility of things not finishing. Solve the discontent I feel tonight, because of my stupid actions towards something so small. Obviously, I do think that apologising is key, but if I apologise in public, people can only read this and know that I truly am repentful towards my mistake.

By putting everything down, I know that (hopefully) I will be able to sleep, and I will wake up tomorrow morning to a new day, and a new start. Each day, a blog is written, a diary entry is written, and a small purple dot is put on my calendar. Little dots on calendars signify the days I see Isobel.

In case you hadn't realised, yes, this blog is for her. Today, though, my calendar not only has a purple dot, but a red line as well. She knows the reason for the line, and that will stay between us, but know that Isobel, today I am truly sorry for what I said, and I mean everything I say in what else I say after writing this.

REPENTANCE, you are the Day Dedicatee for Wednesday 27th January 2010.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Tuesday 26th January 2010 - Haiti Appeal

260110 Haiti Appeal
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
I said in September that nothing will get a blog twice, and technically, I haven't - just a different name and the same meaning. So I apologise in advance if I am repeating myself.

But if I'm honest, it is something that needs repeating. The HAITI APPEAL takes today, two weeks after the devastation of the earthquake destroyed a nation.

Over $1b still remains as Haiti's national debt - a figure that thousands, including myself, believe should be cancelled out to help one of the world's poorest nations cope with the worst catastophe to hit the island in current times.

150,000 people have died, with over a million now homeless. People believe it may take over a decade to help rebuild the nation. Billions around the globe have seen the disaster on their TV sets, so aid is now getting to the nation.

Over $100m has been raised in America alone - $58m from George Clooney's telethon. That in itself is somehting to be very proud of. Millions of dollars of aid has been given by the rest of the world, and we have all pulled together.

But the world needs to remain united to help those in need. Not just in Haiti, but in Africa too. Over a third of the world's population live in poverty, and if the Queen sold her private art collection, we could solve it twice over. Simple really, isn't it? A collection that you don't look at, or changing 2 billion people's lives?!

So thankyou so so much for all your help so far, and please keep helping the world, not just Haiti. You can be the difference to change a life.

HAITI APPEAL, you are the Day Dedicatee for Tuesday 26th January 2010.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Monday 25th January 2010 - Podcasts

250110 Podcasts
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Today's blog goes to PODCASTS. A very broad offering today, but today, podcasts ahve made a big difference to my life really! The HBS/HGS podcast got the go-ahead today - we have all the funding,t he rough plan and the general ideas, so it is all pulling togetehr nicely for an Easter launch.

The power of the media eh?! The enwspaper and the podcast, AND the BBC School Report - brilliant!

PODCASTS, you are the Day Dedicatee for Monday 25th January 2010.


I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your donations for Haiti. The link count is still going up and up, and every penny is making a difference, so please, keep giving what you can, and help change a life.

The death toll has officially hit above 150,000, and it could take over 10 years to help rebuild infrastructure, never mind peoples lives. It may be a mother. A son. A brother. A cousin. An auntie. A friend, or even a distant relative - nearly everyone in Haiti has been affected in some form. These people probably won't ever recover, but we can help to comfort and support them.

Again, here are the links for you all to donate. You can donate via, or via the Oxfam website, at

Thankyou so so much. Your money IS making a difference, and every penny is another penny towards the views that mankind really can unite and help those in need. Thankyou.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Sunday 24th January 2010 - Yes Man - New Beginnings

240110 New Beginnings
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
So, the end of Yes Man is nigh. Thankfully. It has been a bit of a hinderence, and at times I'd wished I'd never even started, but in hindsight, its been a blessing in disguise.

This picture, to your right, is an oak tree. An oak tree is very symbolic of my week. An oak tree will grow very old, but will spawn new life every year, bringing an acorn to the ground with a thud, and growing a completely new tree, deriving from itself. A NEW BEGINNING.

So how does that link to my week? Well things I've said and done have led to a lot of ease for other people. And at the time, it looked like it could have become something that would be moment defining, and be the point of no return. But now, looking back, everything has pieced together and seems to finally, after years of hassle, be sorting itself out.

Its been a lovely week of sorts, a week to just get away from everything of the previous week, and be able to start again. Within a week, I have a new bedroom, with almost a lounge-like feel where I can escape to when things get too much. A new beginning.

It has kickstarted myself and Isobel, giving us a whole new lease of life - not that we needed one. It has led to a few arguments and spats, but has strengthened us. So much so, that this week, Isobel is becoming a Yes Girl. Something I don't think she saw happening last week. A new beginning.

Eiben and I decided on Monday to attempt to set up a school radio station, with which we could try and get the community involved. Its been honed down to a podcast, but for us, its still our baby. Its something we can look after, get really stuck into, and enjoy. A new beginning.

It has also led to someone, who shall remain nameless (mainly after my last fracas with naming someone, and the libel threats...) finally confronting his fears and doing something completely outside of his personality. Which could lead either way. It could elad to him being kicked while he's down, in which case we pick him back up and start again. Or it could elad to something that doesn't affect him anymore and he can enjoy every second. A new beginning.

You see, I didn't set about becoming a Yes Man just so I could say Yes more. Thats what I did last time, and it failed. And yes, this time I felt like it had failed again. But so many more doors and opportunities have opened up this week because of being positive, and using one simple word.


NEW BEGINNINGS, you are the Day Dedicatee for Sunday 24th January 2010.

Saturday 23rd January 2010 - Yes Man - Polyfilla

230110 Polyfilla
Originally uploaded by Adam9309

Gonna have to be a very quick one if I am to completely catch up on my blogging!

Today goes to POLYFILLA. Why, I hear you ask. Because, aldies and gentlemen, I spent the day ripping nails, screws and picture hooks out of my wall, merely to place them somewhere else. Admittedly, my room looks a lot better without all the clutter of pictures of Man United, but with personal pictures I've had buffed up.

All it is awaiting now is a big canvas Grandad is painting me to become the centrepiece of my wall. Really looking forward to it - will hopefully just be the icing on the cake for the place!

POLYFILLA, you are the Day Dedicatee for Saturday 23rd January 2010.

Saturday, 23 January 2010

Friday 22nd January 2010 - Yes Man - Shania Twain

220110 Shania Twain
Originally uploaded by Adam9309

What a stunning creature SHANIA TWAIN is. After watching American idol from Chicago - with her on it, I could not believe she was 42. She is absolutely gorgeous.

And, in this picture, scarily reminds me of Catherine Zeta-Jones. And I really don't like her!

But yeah, Shania is nice. And her music always reminds me of Luton airport - the greatest hits album was the CD ALWAYS in the car, and would be what we listened to on the way to pick Dad up from the airport. Bizarre, but very true.

SHANIA TWAIN, you are the Day Dedicatee for Friday 22nd January 2010.

Thursday 21st January 2010 - Yes Man - Lizzy Ford

210110 Lizzy Ford
Originally uploaded by Adam9309

Not a lot of Yessing today, so it could very well have gone to pot...

But anyway, one that should have been yesterday but it was my birthday! Today/Yesterday goes to LIZZY FORD.

However you know her - Beth, Lizzy, Elizabeth - shes probably had more emotions in one minute than you;ve had breaths. Lizzy can go from being the most, defensive and obnoxious person you know, to the most caring, and the best listener you ever speak to. Its brilliant!

So Lizzy is a very close friend to both myself and Isobel, and its all good, providing you catch her in the right moment! But it doesn't matter who you ask, everyone will say the same. The person you can have a laugh with, cry your eyes out to or have World War III, its all good!

LIZZY FORD, you are the Day Dedicatee for Thursday 21st January 2010.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Wednesday 20th January 2010 - Yes Man - Twitter

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday @Adam9309
Happy Birthday to you!

It's my TWITTER birthday today, so to celebrate, the blog is for that!

One year eh?! I remember Tweeting about Obama's inauguration, which happened to be my first day. 365 of them later, and we've had over 3,000 Tweets, and got over 225 followers. Its been brilliant - somewhere I can turn to if I need it.

A few Yeses today but it began to fail today. Hopefully it will pick up tomorrow.

TWITTER, you are the Day Dedicatee for Wednesday 20th January 2010.

Tuesday 19th January 2010 - Yes Man - Whoopi Goldberg

190110 Whoopi Goldberg
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Gonna have to be quite a quick one, cos its late!

Not as many Yeses, and not as many smiles, but still quite a good day. Radio got the go ahead, but it was a very very long day. Feel exhausted now.

WHOOPI GOLDBERG on the telly was good though - thats what made me smile!

So, Tuesday 19th January 2010 is yours...

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Monday 18th January 2010 - Yes Man - Breakfast

180110 Breakfast
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
So, my first day as a Yes Man is over, with 27 significant Yeses that would normally be a no. The big one though was one that I think kept me going through the day - BREAKFAST.

I never have breakfast - I don't find things I like so I eat them every morning. I get bored very easily of food - and breakfast is key. Pancakes and maple syrup - yum. But if I had them every single day for 2 weeks, I'd hate them for life.

So this morning, a bitta Nutella on toast, and I was set for the day. A load more Yessing led to some new ideas being created, and it is all veyr exciting. I can tell you more tomorrow.

But Yes, Day One as a Yes Man is over!

BREAKFAST, you are the Day Dedicatee for Monday 18th January 2010.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Sunday 17th January 2010 - Yes.

170110 Yes.
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Today I can unveil to you all my new project. I've been very excited about this the last few weeks, and its great to actually be able to get it into the open. The word you are viewing is YES, and tonight, at midnight, I will commence becoming a Yes Man for the next 7 days.

I saw the film, 'Yes Man', for the first time a few days back, after deciding that this is what I was going to do. I've read the book countless times, and have actually attempted to be a Yes Man before, but this time, I'm being more strict. Rather than having loads of different rules and ways out, I have one.

If it affects me for longer than this week alone, it can be a no.

Simple as that. Its going to be exciting, and very enduring, but it should be worth it! So over the next 7 days, you will be seeing something slightly different appearing in my blog - as not only will it be Dedicated to someone, it will also be a story of my Yesness. What I've said Yes to, what I've now done, and how it is all panning out.

I've made this public for a reason - I want to actually stick to it. I know it will be massively exploited, mainly for the reason that I'm at a Boys School - of which the typical jokes will now appear. But I'm going to try this. And stick to it.

A notebook will be with me to try and record my Yes-ing. And hopefully, it will make me into a better person!

YES, you are teh Day Dedicatee for Sunday 17th January 2010. And my Yes Story begins....

Saturday 16th January 2010 - Ikea

160110 Ikea
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
NOTE: This was actually written eysterday. I decided not to put it up, as the people who read my blog check each day, meaning they were faced with my Haiti blog again. It worked, as nearly 100 of you very kind people clicked on the links yesterday. So thankyou very much!

I may have fallen in love all over again. With a Swede, who is very tall, has long legs and a flat body. My new Lack table sitting in my room, all the way from IKEA.

Us Brits call it I-KEAA, whereas it shoudl really be IK-E-A, but anyway, tomato tomarto. The shop is still the same, and people across the globe love the place. Its a wonderful shop filled with as many types of wood, plastic and cardboards you can think of, all neatly fitting together to create soemthing that stands out. We spent over £300 there today, and coming home, and having a whole new room built in under half an hour was a brilliant feeling.

IKEA, I salute you. You are the Day Dedicatee for Saturday 16th January 2010.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Friday 15th January 2010 - Haiti Earthquake Appeal

150110 Haiti Earthquake Appeal
Originally uploaded by Adam9309

Today I've been off ill. This morning, I thought I had it bad when I was at home with a bit of man flu. Then I saw the news.

The 50,000 deaths that are rising daily, and some believe could hit 100,000 by next week. The thousands of injuries caused by the rubble. The hundreds of thousands of lives that have been destroyed by the mass devestation to the country. And the millions of people who are witnessing what Haiti, a tiny country in the Carribbean, struggle to cope to the current Apocolyptic conditions they are having to live through.

What can we do? We can join the HAITI EARTHQUAKE APPEAL. With the whole world's eyes watching, there are billions of people who could donate their pocket change to the cause. Haiti is one of the poorest nations in the world, and with bodies littering the streets, disease will hit the nation hard, unless we as a world act fast.

Look at the picture attached to this post. It may seem like a grieving mother, but look deeper. This picture just summarises the situation. The rubble across the streets; the large slabs of concrete coating what could uncover an even worse scenario. And resting on the top are two bodies, just lying in the baking sun. People walking past looking at them, without a care in the world. The reason being, this is the scene on every street corner. This is what encounters every single Haitian on every single street.

We need to unite. We need to come together, and support the people in need. We need to join with our enemies, and become a united front, in order to eradicate this scene of horror. Please please please donate in some form - a penny is still a penny. If you live in the UK, you can do it via the DEC (, or through places such as Oxfam (

And if this hasn't convinced you yet, just look at these pictures. If you have a decent bone in your body, you will understand where this grief is from, and you'll help these poor people out.

I beg you, if you do one good deed in the whole of this year, make sure it is donate to the Haiti appeal. They need us more than ever.

HAITI EARTHQUAKE APPEAL, you are the Day Dedicatee for Friday 15th January 2010.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Thursday 14th January 2010 - Mary J Blige

140110 Mary J Blige
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
From now until about May, this will probably be Idol Thursday - something linked to American Idol!

So today goes to MARY J BLIGE. She was on the Idol show from Atlanta, and it was brilliant. Especially her reaction to Pants Man. Some good stuff!

Plus, I watched it with my favourite person, and I rediscovered No More Drama. All good!

MARY J, you are the Day Dedicatee for Thursday 14th January 2010.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Tuesday 13th January 2010 - Hidden Meanings

130110 Hidden Meanings
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
I could have written another blog today that wasn't the nicest, but I've resisted to make sure I could get this one out.

HIDDEN MEANINGS. And before you ask, no this blog doesn't have won. That picture, to the right, is a pomegranate. It looks edible from the outside. Its not. The middle is what you eat. Like a hidden message, the outside isn't always what it seems.

As I have told you before, I'm a big believer in fate. I don't think coincidence is such a thing, and whatever happens on this big blue planet is for a reason. I don't know why I think that, but there you go. That's my messed up mind for you!

Fate can lead to a lot of good things, and can lead to a lot of bad. The bad will always lead you to something good though. If things were meant to happen, then it all has a road to lead you down. I know I sound very like an RE teacher, and I apologise profusely - seeing as I failed RE last year, I could just be talking utter muff.

But things seem a lot different if you read into their hidden message. If you rub the chalk from the board, and work out whats actually going on behind the scenes. If you don't know a background story, and why things are happening, then the hidden messages stay hidden. But if you can open up your pomegranate, and work out why things have happened, adapt to them and make sure its going in a good direction, then you'll succeed. End of.

People can't fail in life. You are always inputting something good into the world - it can be anything. But there is always a reason for things to happen, which means there is a reason to be here. Never give up.

HIDDEN MESSAGES, you are the Day Dedicatee for Tuesday 13th January 2010.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Tuesday 12th January 2010 - People

120110 People
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
I could easily post a snidy, disgusting, horrible blog today, but instead, I'm going to put a positive light on it. Today's Day goes to PEOPLE.

Now some 'things' have gone on the last few days - some of which I can't mention due to my Blogger warning. But there have been other people who instead of being negative about it all, have looked at things in a positive light. Who understand things, but are looking at things in a lateral sense, with an unlimited timescale.

Which is a scary thing, because you take a timescale away and things seem a lot longer than they are. And that suddenly gets a lot more scary. So 'things' need to sort themselves out quickly, before the next 2 years or so drag on like a dead limb.

But still, positive people are better than negative. Smiles all round!

PEOPLE, you are the Day Dedicatee for Tuesday 12th January 2010.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Monday 11th January 2010 - The American Idol Future

So, on the eve of Season 9 beginning in the States, anticipation is building for the biggest reality TV programme in the world. American Idol returns.

But, this could very well be the last popular season of the show. THE AMERICAN IDOL FUTURE is looking bright, but isn't exactly stable.

Many see the dismissal of Paula Abdul as a judge as the beginning of the end - especially with Ellen DeGeneres coming in as the new judge. Now I have nothing against her - I think her programme is brilliant and I wish her every ounce of luck in the world to succeed, but seriously? You've now got a panel of judges - one is a music impresario, one is a songwriter, one is a former member of a band, and one is a chat show host?! Where is the link?! I think, personally, that it should have been someone music-related.

But come the end of the season, and we then have a problem. Simon Cowell's contract runs out the end of this season, with the rumours of an American X Factor becoming more and more realistic by the second. That would mean he'd have to walk away from the show. Not only would the viewing figures dip (Simon is bound to pit his enw show against Idol), but there would also be a vacant seat on the panel. Of which it is the most important seat.

Seeing as the show has been renewed for at least another 3 seasons, it has to be filled. And by someone big in the music business. It will have to be taken by someone who could give a recording contract to someone, someone who is interested in the global brand of the winner, someone who wants to help them be as big as they possibly can. Look at what Simon has done to contestants around the globe - Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Jordin Sparks, Leona Lewis, Susan Boyle. Admittedly, all female, but thats what the world wants. So we have to find a candidate.

You've got people like Usher, who have their own record label, and are big in Amerca. But would he have the charisma and personality to fill Simon's boots?

Then there are people like Lily Allen, who would be good on a reality programme, and have their own label, but would never ever ever be able to succeed Simon with power in the music industry.

Which leaves one person. The man you see in the picture - Jay-Z. He seems the only viable person who could take over. He has admitted recently he would like the opportunity to judge on 'The X Factor' over here in the UK, and has been head of both Def Jam and Roc-A-Fella. He has been named one of the most influential figures in the music business, and his relationship with Beyonce has led to them also being named the most influential couple in the music business. Seems a good enough choice to me. But is he almost too famous? Who knew Simon Cowell before he went on idol? Not me, thats for sure. Everyone knows about Jay-Z.

I'm slightly worried for Idol, but I'm sure, come the end of the year, we'll have plenty of answers, and we'll sure be looking forward to 2011.

THE AMERICAN IDOL FUTURE, you are the Day Dedicatee for Monday 11th January 2010.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Sunday 10th January 2010 - Fighting Talk

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Gonna be a quick one, really want to read before I go to bed!

Spent most of the day punishing myself with a lot of work - Politics, Media and Business mainly. Not been a fun day, and the promised snow didn't arrive either. But I listened to 5 hours worth of FIGHTING TALK, the Radio 5 Live programme. Probably one of the best programmes on radio (until tomorrow morning on Radio 2, I hope...)

But yes, the sound of Colin Murray's voice on a Sunday afternoon, along with a good laugh with some topical 'discussion' led to me feeling so much better aboiut myself!

FIGHTING TALK, Sunday 10th January 2010 is yours!

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Saturday 9th January 2010 - The Seldom Seen Kid

090110 The Seldom Seen Kid
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
One that I probably should have done last year, but one that definitely needs doing.

Today has been spent mainly cataloguing things - books, DVDs and CDs all during today. But when going through my CDs, I noticed that actually, a lot of the ones in my rack need replacing, so I set about replenishing them. Admittedly, I had over 150 to pick from, but still couldn't find the right ones. I needed two more, so onto Play I got.

And straight away I found them. Jack Johnson's soundtrack to 'Curious George' takes the spot on the first rack, with Elbow's new live album the second. Because, ladies and gentlemen, one of my favourite albums last year was THE SELDOM SEEN KID.

Yes, yes, I know. It came out in 2008. And it won awards in 2008. But last year was when I personally found this album, so it goes into my 2009 category. And how glad I am to have found it as well. Vocals across the whole album are incredible - the way they sing in their thick Manchester accents makes it an almost surreal listen. The first half is slightly better than the second half, but One Day Like This comes on and 6 minutes of bliss appears.

So, I cannot wait for this album to arrive. Seriously.

THE SELDOM SEEN KID, or more specifically, Elbow, you are the Day Dedicatee for Saturday 9th January 2010.

Friday, 8 January 2010

Friday 8th January 2010 - Transparency

080109 Transparency
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Just a quick note from last night, I rave about Danny Wallace yesterday, and who do I see during Politics on a video, completely out of the blue?! Yep, just the man!

Anyway, hello, its Friday, its the start oif the weekend, and I'm fed up of the bloody snow! But today, was a big day for Day Dedication. Today was the day the parents met it. Yes, just like a first girlfriend, they were introduced to the world of Blogger.

And Katie found me blog! So today, the day goes to TRANSPARENCY, because of the fact that everything is now out in the open! So yes, an enjoyable day, topped off by the big news that now, there isn't a single secret kept from my mum and dad. Lovely!

TRANSPARENCY, you are the Day Dedicatee for Friday 8th January 2010.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Thursday 7th January 2010 - Danny Wallace

070109 Danny Wallace
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
A very bizarre, and quite frankly, stupid day!

So, the snow didn't arrive as expected overnight, so the Boys School were open - one of 4 schools open in the county. I fell over on teh way to school, I got to school to not be registered, to have a free period, to have an English lesson where I learnt nothing, and to then come home. With Isobel, admittedly, but it just seemed a really pointless morning.

We then spent a lovely afternoon doing work, but it was good fun! Think I've found my new revision buddy!

But then, once Isobel had gone, I checked my emails, and what do I find? An email from the one and only DANNY WALLACE. Not only one of my favourite authors, columnists, radio presenters and humourists, but now, by the looks of things, my councillor and careers advisor. To receive an email from a famous person starting with 'I love you too' is brilliant!

He told me what I need to do to get into the BBC, and he also told me that if I need to do something, I need to do something, and not sit waiting around. He's such a good laugh, and by the sounds of things, a really nice, honest bloke too.

DANNY WALLACE, you are the Day Dedicatee for Thursday 7th January 2010.

Wednesday 6th January 2010 - Harpenden Gang Show

060109 Harpenden Gang Show
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
A bit of a late one, but its worth it! A short one too. Will talk about it in perspective to today!

So, Isobel and I went to the HARPENDEN GANG SHOW last night. Now Ewan, Isobel's dad, is producer and musical director at the HGS, and I'll be honest, it was brilliant. It started with a sketch about a computer, and I thought 'Oh no, not two hours of this', but by the end of it we were all joining in! Brilliant, pure genius.

HARPENDEN GANG SHOW, you are the Day Dedicatee for Wednesday 6th January 2010.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Tuesday 5th January 2010 - Nurse Jackie

050110 Nurse Jackie
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
A bit of a weird one today - another one of my bizarre TV programmes!

NURSE JACKIE started last night, adn I'm sat watching it now. Absolutely class - such a weird concept but so so good.

Who'd have thought a nurse, who takes drugs, and does illegal things for the 'good' of her patients, who is also having sexual relationships with her pharmicist jusr to get those drugs, and is happy to swear in front of her patients, could become a TV programme?!

Cross Desperate Housewives, with ER, and My Name Is Earl, and you've got Nurse Jackie. I may have only seen one episode, but I'm so glad it's got a second series. Brilliant.

If you need a laugh, get this on iPlayer. It's on again tonight on BBC Two. Give it a look on the gogglebox and all will be good in your life!

NURSE JACKIE, you are the Day Dedicatee for Tuesday 5th January 2010.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Monday 4th January 2010 - London

040110 London
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
LONDON was the story of today. London with Bubble.

Been a lovely day - we haven't spent too much, we ate too much too early, but we soldiered on, and went to some lovely places. Houses of Parliament, Oxford Street, The Gherkin, St. Paul's Cathedral, London Eye, Trafalger Square, Covent Garden - been brilliant.

Apart from Crazy Cat Woman - a woman who approached us, put a paper flower covered in tin foil in my jacket, put a circle made of twine in Isobel's, and demanded either 'five or ten punds FOR THE CHILDREN', with which we politely declined. She then kept going, so I gave her a quid, and hoped she'd piss off. She kept going, looking at the coin in her hand, took the twine out of Isobel's jacket, and trundled on. Nutter.

But yes, been lovely! As the photo suggests, we did have a laugh too!

LONDON (and Bubble), you are the Day Dedicatee for Monday 4th January 2010.

Sunday 3rd January 2010 - iTunes

030110 iTunes
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
A new year, and a return to my boring old blogs!

iTUNES takes today. Now I hate the name to be stylised different - without the small 'i' so I apologise if that gets on your wick.

They've been giving away free bits of things they've liked over the year - and most of it is turd, to be honest. But some is alright, like the Robbie Williams track given away the other day. So good, in fact, I downloaded the real version. Very nice.

Hey ho! iTUNES, you are the Day Dedicatee for Sunday 3rd January 2010.

Saturday 2nd January 2010 - Storyboarding

020110 Storyboarding
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Gonna be a quick one because I'm so behind with both blogs and work! Today goes to STORYBOARDING.

It's kind of 'meant' to have taken over my life the last few weeks, my media blog. But I only started tackling it today. And bloody Nora I have a lot of work to do. Not only have I got to draw something to the calibre of this (look right - I am the only student ever to have received 3 consecutive G's in end of year Art tests), but I have to write about every single drawing. Cock.

STORYBOARDING, Saturday 2nd January 2010 is yours.

Friday, 1 January 2010

Friday 1st January 2010 - 7

010110 7
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
So then, a brand new year! A couple of points to start with, before we crack on.

Well, this is technically Book VI for me - as there have been 5 predecessors. Tonight, as you will find out, VII starts. Which probably means that this is the beginning of the end for Day Dedication. What I'd like, ideally, is a good 18 months of blogs, and then a book deal! But thats not going to happen - I'd like to see in 2011 with Day Dedication but I may just run out of ideas! Until then though, I'm afraid you're stuck with me!

Second thing - this is a brand new year, so this does involve a completely fresh start. In fact, its a new decade! So we shall start as we mean to go on. Everyone has a fresh page. And I plan to start afresh with everyone - no petty grudges. So, Sophie Willer, answer your MSN!

Last bit before we can FINALLY crack on! My New Years resolutions. I figured if I posted them on here, I can't go back. So here goes nothing. The first one is to stop biting my nails. Its been a 16 year habit, and it needs to finish. If you see me biting, moan and groan at me till I stop. Please?

We've also got what I've called my hygiene pact. Okay, I'm a bloke. I don't do everything hygienically. So, this year, I'm going to wash my hands whenever I fancy, make sure I have antibacterial gel wherever I go etc etc. Its my calming female influence!

And so, linking everything together, is today's Day Dedicatee - the number 7. Yes, Book VII starts tonight. I remember writing the last 5, and writing in the perspective of actually thinking I may get published. So this one is a lot more personal, but you're welcome to read it. It's a Dream Diary, of which I record anything I dream about - no matter what it is.

To start with, it is gonna be just what I dream about at night, but over the year, if I decide I suddenly have a massive aspiration, that goes down as well. A bit confusing, but it will all make sense in the end.

So, a new year, a fresh start, a new book and 3 NYR's. Fun! Lets start as we mean to go on!

The number SEVEN, you are the Day Dedicatee for Friday 1st January 2010.

(P.S. I'm 18 next year, how weird is that?!)