Friday, 29 October 2010

Wednesday 27th October 2010 - Peter Boizot

271010 Peter Boizot
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
This little old man is PETER BOIZOT. Now that name won't mean anything to you - it didn't mean too much to me either before I had a quick Google. But if you're big on your food, this fella is a big thing for you. He invented Pizza Express.

We went to Richmond today - Isobel and I - with the sole intention of eating in the Living Lab, the 'research centre' for Pizza Express. They've ripped it all out, and started again, and I have to say, it looks fantastic.

But I'm absolutely obsessed with the restaurant. I will find any excuse to get there. The only thing stopping me is money. It's absolutely brilliant, and I larve it. And if you're a Pizza Express virgin, please go. For me?

If you fancy having a look at our meal and a quick insight into it all, have a look at my picture blog, which is gonna be here.

PETER BOIZOT, you are the Day Dedicatee for Wednesday 27th October 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely idea! Just found you and so pleased to find such a successful entrepreneur turns out to be so nice- and veggie too apparently. I'll follow your blog!
    all the best, Alex
