Sunday, 3 October 2010

Saturday 2nd October 2010 - Cheryl Cole

021010 Cheryl Cole
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Well, seeing as 12 million people watched it last night, could it really have gone to anyone that wasn't part of X Factor? Today goes to CHERYL COLE.

Now Cheryl has it difficult, because she was there for part of the auditions, but not all of them, because of the malaria. Which means she knows some of her group, but not all. Now she's got the girls, and has to pick 3 from her 8.

But why bother?! Just keep all 8, and let Cheryl have as much camera time as possible. She is just beautiful. She makes the programme worth watching week in, week out. Well, Simon does too. And I probably would anyway, but that's not the point.

So, ladies and gentlemen, Cheryl Cole, the nation's new darling, takes today.

CHERYL COLE, you are the Day Dedicatee for Saturday 2nd October 2010.

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