This small, annoying, obnoxious little American dwarf owns Manchester United Football Club. He also owns the Tampa Bay Bucaneers. He is someone who many wish dead, and many people wish had never even thought about sport. But alas, we're lumbered with him and his family now. Today is Dedicated to MALCOLM GLAZER.
Now I don't like Malcolm Glazer. There's aren't many people I actually hate in this world, but here is one. He comes in, spends £800m of someone else's money on MY football club, puts all that debt against the club, screws us over big time, turns us from most profitable club in world to the one in the most debt, and then is happy to let that stumble on, as he is debtless.
When football is something drilled into you from birth, and you are taught one way - the United way - then you'll understand why everyone is extremely pissed off with him. He has done nothing good for our club, only bad.
But with the whole Rooney debacle finally coming to a close this afternoon, with him signing a new deal, he effectively stuck two fingers up at Malcolm. With Fergie blaming Rooney in his press conference on Tuesday, and Wayne blaming the Glazers and their 'lack of ambition' within the club on Wednesday, the fans now have no-one to blame for all these issues but the small ginger pricks. Don't get me wrong, the Glazers aren't people who are intentionally trying to kill off the club, but they're doing it sub-consciously.
So, the campaign begin s again, with Wayne AND David Beckham on side. The Green and Gold campaign was effective last season, but it needs to be even more so today, and from now on, to force them to sell. The Red Knights are the best thing that could possibly happen to our club right now, so we need to back them, and show Malcolm and his offspring that they are not welcome in Manchester. Ever again.
MALCOLM GLAZER, you are the Day Dedicatee for Friday 22nd October 2010.