Sunday, 10 October 2010

Friday 8th October 2010 - The Chilean Miners

081010 The Chilean Miners
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
It was very late on Friday evening over here that finally, contact was made with THE CHILEAN MINERS, and after 60-odd days, they can now be lifted to safety.

But as Dad said, it's a hell of a human story. These blokes, doing something we take for granted, who then get trapped. Not only do they manage to keep their spirits up throughout the duration of their 'stay', let's call it, but they also manage to make a documentary from video cameras and video feeds. Now that's amazing.

Then you factor in the human effort to drill these holes to get them out, without getting the whole thing to collapse in on itself, and you drill two of them - one within the space of a few days. It's mental.

And the final point - Camp Hope. The families of the miners have stayed in what is now like a mini-town, and they called it Camp Hope - because they knew their loved ones would be out at some point. It's just a beautiful story.

So, THE CHILEAN MINERS, you are the Day Dedicatees for Friday 8th October 2010.

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