Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Wednesday 11th November 2009 - Max Reiser

111109 Max Reiser
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Thought it was about time for another personal one!

Well, after finding out earlier that George's entry is actually listed on Google (search 'George Rule Hitchin', and up he pops!) I figured it was time to bring out the old trunk of personal potential bloggers, and came up with this one!


Now Max hasn't had the greatest of years. But he's dealt with it. Alone. And is able to laugh about his problems now, and has overcome every one of them near enough by himself. Not a bad feat, if you ask me.

There are plenty of people I can think of who can't cope by themselves. And decide that they would rather ditch all their problems onto someone else so as they don't have to deal with it themselves. And these people don't have anyone to look to anymopre, because they are so fed up with them. Max, on the other hand, got himself out of it all, joined a new group of friends, found some other people like him and is suddenly right as rain!

Not many people can gain respect with the push of a button, but Max certainly has. He's walked into our group, and everyone has welcomed him. Yeah, so Bradley and Willby don't think too highly of him, but its better than it could have been! George likes him (we think), I like him, Billy likes him, Isobel likes him. Its all good!

And yes, Max sometimes does get too hyper and gets a bit aggrevating. But don't we all? Maybe just give him a chance, you'll learn to like him!

MAX REISER, Wednesday 11th November 2009 is yours!

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