Monday, 30 November 2009

Monday 30th November 2009 - Music

301109 Music
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Tomorrow is the beginning of advent. Tomorrow is the start of December. Tomorrow, the fun begins on Day Dedication!

MUSIC takes today. And thats a bit hint to our advent fun. I don't care what it is, its worth a shot. Classical, pop, R&B, soul, dance, easy lsitening, jazz, blues, even hip hop! I will give it all a go.

And there is one question I get asked a lot because of my X Factor commentary on Twitter - whats your favourite song? Can you get the jist yet?!

So, 25 days till Christmas. I have made a list of my favourite songs ever. 50 of them. And ranked them. So, over the next 25 days, I shall unveil two a night, until we finally get to number one. Think of it as a very long chart countdown!

We shall start tomorrow night, and no, it won't be a Dedicatee for both each night - my rules are that you can't dedicate your day to the person in the song. Oh, and the artist can't be repeated! Was tricky, but we got there.

So, MUSIC, Monday 30th November 2009 is yours!

(P.S. Bring on December now!)

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