Sunday, 15 August 2010

Sunday 15th August 2010 - Karl Benz

150810 Karl Benz
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
And so, another bland, boring Sunday arrives, and I still feel like I've done nothing with my summer, bar a trip to Liverpool. But a bizarre thing happened this week, which shakes it up a bit.

I had my second driving lesson, and I actually picked things up pretty well today. So who should get today? My driving instructor? Nope, the man who supposedly made the first ever automobile, KARL BENZ.

The man behind Mercedes, yes. Also the man behind why you see so many people on the road at every moment of the day. The headlights at night and the horns during the day. It's a good thing, but a bad at the same time. Yes, people may be visiting people, and its so easy to get there, but we're destroying the planet at the same time.

But anyway, Karl helped me learn to drive in a scary way, I guess. I'm getting there. I hope, anyway.

KARL BENZ, you are the Day Dedicatee for Sunday 15th August 2010.

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