Sunday, 18 April 2010

Sunday 18th April 2010 - Appreciation

180410 Appreciation
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
So, here we go. We're on the last lap of the race - not long to go, but we'll be trying our best here at Day Dedication HQ (i.e. my house) to pull out all the stops and make it a good month or so!

Now I have some exciting things planned for the next month and 10 days, the first of which is announced today. I have noticed that over the last 200 days or so, I haven't actually shown a lot of APPRECIATION to you all. So today I guess is over to you!

My first 'gift' to you all is the comment box below this post. Now it will look very similar to all those familiar to Day Dedication, but there is a difference behind the scenes. Beforehand, you could only comment on a blog if you were a 'member' of Blogger, or had something known as an OpenID. Your guess is as good as mine.

Anyway, now I've found a way of changing all that. You can now comment with or without membership. So, please please please help me.

I'm trying my best to see what kind of people read my blog. So can you comment with how old you are, and whereabouts in the world you are? That would let me appreciate all of you and show you why I love doing this!

APPRECIATION, you are the Day Dedicatee for Sunday 18th April 2010.


  1. Hey!

    My name is Janice and I'm 16 from Florida, I've been ready your blog for a few months now and I LOVE IT!! You sound like exactly the person I want to meet and I know this sounds creepy but I may have fallen in love with you. Can you please tell me if you are still 'in love' with that girl you spoke about on Christmas day? All my love xx

  2. Hey!

    I'm 22 and from Manchester. I know you don't love that girl you talked about on christmas day. You are all i think about and i can't let you finish your blog without telling you how much i love you! i read each blog twice and can see the hints you are dropping that you want me too?


  3. Hello lovers,

    Yes Janice, I am still with her. And no Alex, I won't leave her. But can I introduce you to an 'acquaintance' of mine - James Robb? He thinks he's big on the internet scene, but he's not very good. He likes to think he's a bit of a Justin Bieber, but secretly, should just come back to school as his music career will never take off. He needs some love. Give my love to him!

    Much love to the two fans,

