Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Monday 19th April 2010 - Clive Hughes

190410 Clive Hughes
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Not many of you will know of this man. His name is CLIVE HUGHES, and I was sorry to hear today that he died last week.

Clive was a massive Arsenal fan. He lived and breathed the club. But he wasn't just an Arsenal fan - he helped promote women's football.

I know of Clive through his pseudonym of 'twmcat'. He was a big forum member on several different forums, and was one of the most friendly men you could meet. I never met him, but God I wish I had.

He seemed like one of those men who would happily sit and talk to you for hours. He was really one of the nicest people you could meet.

CLIVE HUGHES, I can't do you justice in words, but know that you've made a very big impact on a lot of people. You are the Day Dedicatee for Monday 19th April 2010.

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