Monday, 14 September 2009

Monday 14th September 2009 – Twitter Followers


Okay, so here we go!

I have sat until reasonably late tonight thinking about who to dedicate my day too. I was completely blank until it hit me earlier. My Twitter followers.

Yep. All 186 of them. I don’t know why, I just felt that they are deserving of it all. When I needed something sorting over the last 9 months, my question went straight on Twitter. When I need a laugh, I read the comedian’s Tweets. And I’ve converted a few as well!

It just seems the logical thing to do! It all started on the 20th of January, and now we’re nearly 1,700 updates in! Amazing when you think about it. So there we go!

So, Twitter Followers, Monday 14th September 2009 is yours!

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