Sunday, 28 February 2010

Saturday 27th February 2010 - Lady Gaga

270210 Lady Gaga
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
There are very few moments that will stick in my mind for life. The day I got home from school to see the World Trade Centers collapse on TV. My first day of secondary school. First kiss. You know, the usual type of things. But one more happened tonight, and thats seeing LADY GAGA at the O2.

There isn't a lot I can write that hasn't been already. She puts on an incredible show, and it was one of the best nights of my life. Everyone I have spoken to about the show - no matter where in the world they are - have loved it. She is just amazing.

She did a bit of new stuff - and loads of the old stuff. And I have never seen 27,000 people swaying their arms, and then 10 seconds later, jumping up and down. Thats how to put on a show.

LADY GAGA, you are the Day Dedicatee for Saturday 27th February 2010.

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