Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Monday 1st February 2010 - Frank Gardner

010210 Frank Gardner
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Today will be relatively short, because it isn't actually finished! Today goes to FRANK GARDNER.

Now I doubt many of you will know who Frank Gardner is. This man is probably one of the most corageous men alive. But he is only alive by a mass of love, warmth and luck.

You see, Frank is the BBC Security Correspondent. He has a fond love of travel, and to be given the chance to travel across the globe mixing two of his favourite things is the best thing in the world for him. But in 2004, Frank was shot 6 times by Al-Qaeda. His cameraman died. He was left bleeding to death in the middle of a road - even though he was shouting for help in Arabic.

After 7 very long months, and a period of depression, Frank finally came to the understanding that he would never be able to walk again.

6 years later though, and Frank is back in the Middle East reporting, he is skiing using a bob-ski, he is trekking through jungles, and is able to stand for periods of time on a frame.

This man just shows the courage we should all have in life.

FRANK GARDNER, you are the Day Dedicatee for Monday 1st February 2010.

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