Friday, 30 July 2010

Wednesday 28th July 2010 - Robin Williams

280710 Robin Williams
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
We're gonna try something new! Interactivity eh?! Well, it was gonna be a bit different, but someone (ie. Dabr) won't let me upload to TwitPic!

I now have a little stash of Post-Its where I can write down who is going to be the Day Dedicatee, and for what reason. Today its quite weird. Today, it says this. 'ROBIN WILLIAMS - Just because he's the greatest comedian that ever lived.'

Yes indeedy, the day today goes to Mr ROBIN WILLIAMS. And I'm surprised he's never appeared before. He is, by a living mile, the funniest man to have ever walked the planet. You hear people talking about it, and you shake it off, knowing you are right (I thought Peter Kay - second maybe?), but having watched 'Man of the Year' tonight with Dad, and watching this man change a film dying on its arse into something where its laugh a minute, and knowing that half the stuff he's saying wasn't in the script, and then you know why.

I grew up with the big man - Aladdin, Flubber and Mrs Doubtfire to name just three. But it's only when you get slightly older that you realise the genius of this funny, witty and charming man. Now I sound like I'm singing a Smiths record, but hey, no problem in that!

I just can't believe quite how many films he's been in, and how many people he's made laugh. Yes, sometimes he can be slightly annoying with how quick he talks, but everything that spews from his gob is just immediately a classic.

ROBIN WILLIAMS, you are the Day Dedicatee for Wednesday 28th July 2010.

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