Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the last month of Day Dedication. I shall try and make it the best month we've had together, and live in hope that inspiration appears come July!
And today actually proves why I want to nip this little bugger in the bud, and keep it good while I can. Isobel and I had our birthday trip into London today - it was such a brilliant day. But I couldn't Dedicate to Isobel - she's already had a day. So has London. And the BBC, where I FINALLY got to visit today. So I've gone for the second piece of big news today. Today, Dad bought one of these beasty boys. We, as of Monday, will be proud owners of a brand new, 27-inch iMAC.
It's the high-end model - 2.66Ghz, 1TB hard drive, build-in camera model, with loads of software budnled on. We're even gonna be running Windows 7 alongside Mac OS X - which isn't done very often!
So I'm now very excited for this thing to arrive on Monday - and then I'm gonna rip it out the box and have a play!
iMAC, you are the Day Dedicatee for Saturday 1st May 2010.
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