Friday, 28 May 2010

Friday 28th May 2010 - Day Dedication

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
So, here we go. 247 posts, 36 weeks and nearly 9 months later, and this is the lot. Post 248. The last post of DAY DEDICATION Mk I.

So it's a fitting way to finish by putting this one up. Today does go to DD, for the main fact that actually, it's depicted my life over the last 9 months. You know what's gone on, whose said what, and who has made my day. Yes, we died towards Christmas time, but I feel we've picked up since the announcememnt of it finishing, and for that reason, and probably that reason alone, is why this post has come about.

So, what have we actually done? Well, readership has spread across the globe. DD now has friends as far away as America, Japan and even Australia. We've had comments, emails and Tweets; some of which were negative, yes, but they were 'dealt with', let's say.

We've had lots of personal blogs, some of which have made people cry, laugh and get amazingly annoyed, but hey, that's what opinions are for.

We've gone from Christmas in New York, to Hashtagging, to Nana, to the X Factor final, to Michael Jackson, to my friends, to nerves, to Isobel. It's been a whirlwind adventure, and I think it's the right time to be packing the first part of this up now.

But hang on, first part?

Yep. Team DD will be back come the 12th July, bigger and better than ever. We'll have contributors for the first time, and some big visual changes that will lead to videos and things being posted across blogs.

There's also gonna be a big rule change - Day Dedication Mk II can only be Dedicated to people. No more emotions, no more feelings. The Dedicatee must have done something during the day to affect either me, someone from Team DD, or the world as a whole. The no-repeat rule stands, but we're actually very excited to how everything is going to go, and we're gonna try and make it a little bit more interactive and get others involved. Tweets, emails, comments on posts - whatever you guys feel is necessary.

So thankyou for sticking around over the last few months, thankyou for all your comments, and I'll be back on 1st June with World Cup Wonder. I'll post the links on here each day, so you're only a click away. And yes ladies, there are topless men.

See you in 6 weeks everyone!

DAY DEDICATION, you are the Day Dedicatee for Friday 28th May 2010.

(P.S. World Cup Wonder is at - enjoy!)

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Thursday 27th May 2010 - Crystal Bowersox

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Today is the penultimate post, and also the last post directed towards a person.

But screw all that. Screw the fact that this should be quite a sentimental post. The American Idol Season 9 finale broadcast over here in the UK tonight, and just over half an hour before the result was announced, Google destroyed the whole day by finding it funny to leave Lee Dewyze, the 'American Idol Champion', as a sponsored ad on the right hand side of the page. Grrrrrr.

But today doesn't go to Lee. Or American Idol. Or Simon Cowell, my idol, who leaves the show tonight. Today goes to CRYSTAL BOWERSOX.

I've backed Crystal since the start, and think she will truly be someone who will take over the world. She will become someone who has already made her mark on a nation, and can now make ehr mark on the world.

Pre-order is done, and everything is set for her to change the country world. Happy days.

Enjoy the evening, and enjoy tomorrow. Have fun!

CRYSTAL BOWERSOX, the proper American Idol, you are the Dday Dedicatee for Thursday 27th May 2010.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Wednesday 26th May 2010 - Evolution

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
So, the last stretch is in sight. We've got three posts to go, then this place will undergo a miraculous change and some rule changes too, and we'll be on our way come July!

It's for this reason today goes to EVOLUTION.

If you were a lucky sod, you'll have seen earlier on that for about half an hour, here at Day Dedication HQ, we issued a design update, which will be put into place for Friday, so that everything is looking prim and proper for when we come back.

But this all has to come from somewhere. I'm a bit bored of the current format, so now, with a bit of magic, we'll rejuvinate it all, and bring some life back to the old dog.

EVOLUTION, you are the Day Dedicatee for Wednesday 26th May 2010.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Tuesday 25th May 2010 - Preparation

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
BUSS2 today. What an absolute stinker of a paper. 3 down, 4 to go.

Anyway, today goes to PREPARATION. Double-meaned post! We haven't had that in a while!

First meaning is obviously, revision. Without the right amount of preparation, we're all screwed, so that one always helps. And seeing as today went so poorly, I may invest in a couple more coloured pens....

The second is that of the Day Dedication/World Cup Wonder cross-over period. With Day Dedication being put on hold for part of the summer as of Friday, and World Cup Wonder not officially starting till June 1st (yep, I've brought it forward a little bit!), I have a very short window in which to write what is necessary.

I also have to prepare everything so that you will all be willing to click on a different link next time, and check out the World Cup with me. I have a couple of ideas up my sleeve!

But yeah, it's exciting, a bit daunting, worrying and nerve-wracking - all at the same time! Gonna be a good laugh mind you!

PREPARATION, you are the Day Dedicatee for Tuesday 25th May 2010.

Monday, 24 May 2010

Monday 24th May 2010 - Nerves

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
I can't remember if I've done this one before, or whether its a variation, but gonna bit the bullet and hope not!

Tomorrow morning is BUSS2, or Exam #3 as it has become known. It's the second Business Studies exam, and seeing as its 60% of the course, it's a biggie. And I'll be honest, it's the one exam I'm absolutely dreading, hence the reason today goes to NERVES.

I'm bricking it. Proper bricking it. I feel like I've done enough work towards it, but nothing has sunk in. I can't remember a single formula, can't work out which is what and what is which, so tomorrow morning I'll be waking up to learn some more - and hope this lot goes in.

Wish me luck. Cos I'm gonna need a miracle to pass this one.

NERVES, you are the Day Dedicatee for Monday 24th May 2010.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Sunday 23rd May 2010 - Radio 1

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Happy Birthday Daisy!

Today goes to RADIO 1 - specifically the Big Weekend that's keeping me entertained this weekend! It makes revision a lot easier - other than the fact Jo Whiley is still on, but hey, thats what the volume control is for.

Plus, Paolo Nutini is on right now - and seeing as we've been to see him twice and may be going back for a third, I'd say thats a good deal!

And the sun is out and the cider is flowing, so the day really couldn't be much better!

RADIO 1, you are the Day Dedicatee for Sunday 23rd May 2010.

(P.S. 5 days to go - excited now!)

Saturday 22nd May 2010 - Jose Mourinho

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
6 domestic league titles. 8 domestic cup wins. A UEFA Cup, and 2 Champions League wins. In 8 years. This man is a legend. Today goes to JOSE MOURINHO.

So having won his SECOND Treble this evening - the only man to have ever done that - he became only the third man to win the Champions League with two different clubs. He's turned three clubs around and made them world beaters, and after winning one big trophy with each club, he's left. Talk about going at the top.

So it's likely he'll be at Madrid next season, but God I can't wait till United get rid of Fergie, and we start hunting. Cos this bloke could become the world's greatest should he do what he's done at Inter with both Madrid and United.

JOSE MOURINGHO, you are the Special One. And you are the Day Dedicatee for Saturday 22nd May 2010.

(P.S. 6 days to go)

Friday 21st May 2010 - Hashtagging

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Whoops! I missed a birthday - Happy Birthday for yesterday to Max Reiser, and Happy Birthday today to George Rule!

Now today goes to something that may make sense to some of you, but might not to others. A Twitter-related post - today goes to HASHTAGGING.

Hashtagging is where other people can see what 'trending topics' are by just seeing what other people are putting in their posts. Confused? You should be.

But by hashtagging, you can a) get more followes, b) see who is likeminded, and c) actually write history. Google have now started including hashtagged Tweets in their searches, and theres some websites around so you can see what people were saying about certain historical events, like Obama's inauguration, or later in the summer for the World Cup Final.

So, HASHTAGGING, you are the Day Dedicatee for Friday 21st May 2010.

(P.S. One week to go!)

Thursday 20th May 2010 - Archery

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Tonight was spent doing something I really hate - ARCHERY.

I've never seen the point in archery - put a sharp object on some string, and twat it at something that has some coloured circles on it. Where's the sport in that?

It's like saying that a Slush Puppie is food - its not, its a drink. Its made from ice, which is made from water - so get over yourself.

But it was a dull, dull evening - and the bloke had the sense of humour of a gnat.

ARCHERY, you are the Day Dedicatee for Thursday 20th May 2010.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Wednesday 19th May 2010 - Reflection

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Another really unproductive day. Wonderful.

But hey ho, we'll battle on. Exam #2 is only in another... 48 hours....

But the lack of revision did give me a relatively decent opportunity to do something I don't do very often - today goes to REFLECTION.

Now today I had the chance to reflect on the past 300 odd days - Isobel and I, this bad boy, everything. But mainly Day Dedication.

I'll be honest, I'll miss it. But not loads - plenty of ideas in the back of my mind for what else can be done. So come 14th September, it'll be shut down, and there will be 366 posts on here. Then the new year begins.

So let's see where we're led now!

REFLECTION, you are the Day Dedicatee for Wednesday 19th May 2010.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Tuesday 18th May 2010 - Motivation

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Well I must begin by wishing Billy Foord a very happy birthday, as he kicks off Birthday Week!

Today goes to MOTIVATION. It's quite a straight-forward one, but has some hidden meaning too. Daisy and Isobel were here to revise for part of the day, and I had no motivation to work whatsoever. We ran out of coffee (yes Damian, close your mouth now...), so I was dead till gone half 11. Then I had no chance of working in the morning, and I had Isobel to look forward to at lunchtime, so no work then. Then, when the girls were both here revising, we just talked. It was a useless day really!

But tomorrow shall be different. English all morning, then revision for the rest of the day here. Good times.

And only 10 days to go of Day Dedication. I still feel nothing towards letting it go. Strange really...

Anyway, MOTIVATION, you are the Day Dedicatee of Tuesday 18th May 2010.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Monday 17th May 2010 - BUSS1

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Today was the day everything kicked off. One out of seven done. Today goes to BUSS1.

For those of you who don't know, BUSS1 is the Business Studies AS Level Unit 1 exam paper. It was quite a nice test, but an absolute bugger to get your head around. We did alright, but it was a nervous one - one of those tests where you think you're alright until you walk through the door.

But we'll see how it all goes - results are in August, but the next exam is this coming Friday. Joy of joys.

BUSS1, you are the Day Dedicatee for Monday 17th May 2010.

Sunday 16th May 2010 - Relationship Statii

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Today goes to a very strange one I guess. Today goes to RELATIONSHIP STATII. Yeah, I know, it's grammarmatically incorrect, but Latin endings on words ending in '-ses' are so much better. So up yours Oxford Dictionary.

Anyway, I digressed. Today I spotted how many people were changing their relationship status on Facebook, and how many I'd missed. Open relationships between girls (never understood that - you're either a lesbian or you're not - get on with it.), fake marraiges, break-ups, and actual proper relationship updates - I counted five on my live feed today.

I remember Isobel and I doing ours - it was the day we made 'us' official, and it happened about 2 weeks after we started going out. Decided not to do what most people do, and decided to wait, just in case it went tits up!

But yeah, keep an eye out, count them, and let me know what you find!

RELATIONSHIP STATII, you are the Day Dedicatee for Sunday 16th May 2010.

Saturday 15th May 2010 - 2

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Ah, the last number blog of Day Dedicatee Part One! Today goes to 2.

Yes, I know, I'm a massive United fan. And yes, it hurts me to say it, but congratulations Chelsea, who today won the Double for the first time in their history. All down to Ancelotti and what he's done with the club if you ask me.

But yesterday also marked two weeks to go. I know I've been going on about it for what seems like months, but Day Dedicatee goes on a bit of a hiatus on the 28th of May, and I'm actually very sad to see it go! Having nearly spent a year with you all, and sharing what I think with everyone makes it quite sore to let go!

But life goes on, as do blogs! Very excited now about the next couple of weeks though!

2, you are the Day Dedicatee for Saturday 15th May 2010.

Friday 14th May 2010 - Study Leave

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
And so, for the second time in my life, I am now on official STUDY LEAVE. First exam is Monday - doesn't leave me long, especially with work tomorrow!

So now is revision time, study time, and no longer 'Adam is bored, so onto forums, Twitter, blogs and Facebook' time. Take the Facebook off, and I'm gutted. Facebook is just boring at the minute.

But in between exams does give me an opportunity to think about World Cup Wonder, and other projects to start jotting down. I've got a few in mind!

STUDY LEAVE, you are the Day Dedicatee for Friday 14th May 2010.

Thursday 13th May 2010 - Catch-Up

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Today goes to CATCH-UP. I shall explain why...

If you take a look at the date bar, it clearly states that today is in fact Monday 17th May 2010. Unfortunately, in the blog bar, it says that today is Thursday 13th May 2010. That is, in fact, my fault.

You see, having set a 'resignation' date as it were, I now have no motivation whatsoever. Which is why I am so so tempted to cut this now, and start blogging about the World Cup.

And this is the reason that I have decided to keep to Friday 28th May - for now, anyway. No motivation to do this, but we'll keep going until then. It's a nice round day to kill it off I guess. It'll return, but then it will go forever on Tuesday 14th September 2010 - exactly one year since it was born.

I'll be revealing more about World Cup Wonder as the time gets nearer, but until then, this beasty boy continues on!

CATCH-UP, you are the Day Dedicatee for Thursday 13th May 2010.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Wednesday 12th May 2010 - UEFA Europa League

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
So, as we speak, the biggest game in Fulham Football Club's history is taking place. We're in extra time, and it's 1-1. Welcome to the wonderful world of the UEFA EUROPA LEAGUE.

Its been a bizarre season for Fulham - 12th in the Premier League, and the final of a major European competition. Which apparently must mean their manager must be one of the greatest on the planet. Obviously.

It used to be the UEFA Cup, but Platini thought it would be better to call it nearly the Champions League. Absolute pillock.

Anyway, good luck Fulham.

UEFA EUROPA LEAGUE, you are the Day Dedicatee for Wednesday 12th May 2010.

Tuesday 11th May 2010 - Cougar Town

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
One of my new favourite TV shows - another American import, but it's absolutely class. Today goes to COUGAR TOWN.

Now Cougar Town is the story of a recently divorced woman, played by Courtney Cox Arquette. And not only is she very, very, VERY attractive, but she's quite good at the nude scenes too.

Not the only reasons I watch, promise.

COUGAR TOWN, you are the Day Dedicatee for Tuesday 11th May 2010.

Monday 10th May 2010 - Revision

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Today will be a quickie, so to speak, so I can catch up! Been snowed under with this stuff so blog took a step back. Today goes to REVISION.

Now I've been very sensible with my revision plan - given myself a target of 5 hours a day, with evenings free for if I need to do some more. It also gave me enough of an incentive so that I will actually do some work.

But everyone has moaned at how poor it is - not enough there, not enough to do, what about weekends.... The list went on!

But I'm happy!

REVISION, you are the Day Dedicatee for Monday 10th May 2010.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Sunday 9th May 2010 - Premier League 09-10

Another big day has arrived then!

Well today brought the curtain down on the PREMIER LEAGUE 09/10 season - and what a season it's been. By a mile, the best Premier League season we've ever seen - even if it did result in the ribbons on the trophy being the wrong colour.

It ruly has been one hell of a season. Go back to August. Who saw Portsmouth being in real trouble, having four owners in a season, points penalties and then having to sell all their big players, and thus finish bottom of the league? Who saw Hull getting relegated after last season's performance? Who saw Birmingham finishing in the top part of the league, or Liverpool only just scraping into the Europa League? And the biggest shock of the season - who saw the Tottenham-Man City game deciding who would qualify for the Champions League next season?! It's been a season filled with spills, thrills and total football.

And some of these games have been astonishing. Tottenham scoring 9 against Wigan was some performance, especially seeing as all the goals came in one half. The Manchester derby early in the season was possibly the best game of football I've seen this season - and the best derby of all time. Especially with a Liverpool turncoat scoring the winner for us. Even the forementioned City-Spuds game was absolutely class, and showed why they were really up there.

But Chelsea scoring 7 goals on 3 different occasions and 8 today proved they were worthy champions. Even if they are a shocking, cheating team, with some vulgar players, they've outplayed everyone this season, and deserve the trophy.

United need to build, build, build this summer, and be drastic with the team changes. As do Arsenal and Liverpool. City will just spend, and Spurs will just hang on.

But Newcastle and West Brom come up next season, and I wouldn't like to say who will go down either. It will be even more of an unpredictable season next year than this.

Am I ready for the 2010-11 season?

You betcha.

PREMIER LEAGUE 09/10, you are the Day Dedicatee for Sunday 9th May 2010.

(P.S. I said at the beginning it was a big day - today is the next big announcement over the plans for the next year or so of the blog. We have the World Cup blog until July, and then something will come in as a filler - probably with me taking a couple weeks off from blogging every night! But the big announcement is that of another blog....

As of next season, I'll be blogging about the Premier League season. every Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Wednesday, or whenever games take place, I'll be covering them in my own 'unique' way. I have to be putting together a portfolio, and being the lucky bugger I am, have guaranteed quite a handy domain, so happy days!

World Cup Wonder, Day Dedication, Premier League XIX. Goodbye, and thankyou for watching.)

Saturday 8th May 2010 - Managerial Merry-Go-Round

After a week filled with election talk, and a week blogging about it too, I figured it was about time I changed my tune, began to give people an idea about the summer, and tried to see what works, and what doesn't.

With the football season near enough finishing this weekend, I thought this weekend was an ideal opportunity to begin to introduce you all to 'World Cup Wonder' (my summer World Cup blog, for those of you that don't know), and gave you some insight into what I could.

So, ladies and gentlemen, I will introduce you all to part one of this weekend - the Premier League's annual MANAGERIAL MERRY-GO-ROUND.

So how do I start? Well, first, I'd better tell you all that don't know - the merry-go-round takes place at the end of every season - clubs who have underperformed tend to sack their managers, and then poach them from others, and it eventually leads right back to the first man. Simple? Not entirely.

And there's always a few stalwarts who never, ever leave. Sir Alex Ferguson, from Man United (obviously...), won't go until he dies in his chair. Arsene Wenger, from Arsenal, is there at the end of every poor season, and the start of the next. Carlo Ancelotti, of Chelsea, will stay because of their trophy wins. Harry Redknapp, from Tottenham, is bound to be there thanks to their Champions League qualifying season.

David Moyes from Everton will be there come August too. As will Tony Pulis, of Stoke, and the two promoted clubs, Newcastle and West Brom, will keep with Chris Hughton and Roberto di Matteo respectively.

Which leaves everyone else in a bizarre state of flux. Rafa Benitez, from Liverpool, could go either way - depends what offers more money. If he leaves, then either Roy Hodgson, of Fulham, could come in, or even Martin O'Neill, from Aston Villa, who has a bizarre relationship with his chairman currently. Thus, if Villa are managerless, then they could turn to Slaven Bilic, the Croatia national team boss, or even someone like Steve Bruce, of Sunderland, or Roberto Martinez, of Wigan.

Alex McLeish could also fill the Liverpool job, but could be tempted by Villa, even though he manages Birmingham. Sam Allardyce should stay, but could go to Sunderland should Bruce go.

Then you have people like Mick McCarthy, who could go to a smaller club, like West Ham or Wigan, especially if Zola leaves the Hammers. Roberto Mancini still hasn't guaranteed his job at Man City, which could stop Liverpool sacking Rafa, as Mancini gets the Juve job. Which then starts the whole system ALL over again...

But that's another story - lets see where this one goes first!

MANAGERIAL MERRY-GO-ROUND, you are the Day Dedicatee for Saturday 8th May 2010.

Friday, 7 May 2010

Friday 7th May 2010 - Hung Parliament

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
After six months preparation, four weeks campaigning, and 24 hours of mass chaos, we finally have an outcome for the UK General Election 2010. It's a HUNG PARLIAMENT.

Which, in real terms, probably means we'll have to do the whole bloody thing again within a year. Ah well.

I stayed up till about half past 3 last night/this morning to see what was going on, but I have to be honest, it was very, very boring. It started to churn up some interesting results, but none that we wanted.

Lembit Opik lost his seat - one of the most charismatic politicians I've ever met. George Galloway lost his seat - also a very down to earth, honest man.

But then again, we lost some planks. Jacqui Smith lost her seat, thanks to PornGate. Ken Clarke, Labour man, lost his seat. The BNP gained no seats whatsoever.

But then you look at the rest. Caroline Lucas, the Green leader, won a seat for her party for the very first time down in Brighton Pavillion. Sarah Teather, a regular on Question Time, and a clever, wonderfully witty woman, won her seat for the first time. The Tories took nearly 100 seats from Labour.

Plus, should the coalition go the right way, and deals are properly bashed out, a Tory-Liberal alliance would actually work wonders for students. Up minimum wage, AND lose university tuition fees.

Plus, I'd just like to get this one in - I was right with my predictions!

HUNG PARLIAMENT, you are the Day Dedicatee for Friday 7th May 2010.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Thursday 6th May 2010 - Nick Clegg

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
So, ladies and gentlemen, the day has arrived. The day the country has been waiting for, and the day that will change the next few years. It is Isobel's birthday.

It's also Election Day, and today, by equality and fairness and all that, goes to NICK CLEGG.

Now, at the time of writing, the exit polls have just been released, and the Conservatives look to be in the lead, but will need a hung parliament to gain a majority. Fair play I reckon.

But still, Clegg Nut has done a remarkable job. He's taken a party, and within 6 weeks, made them a very 'cool' party to vote for. I think it's a brilliant story - I just hate their policies.

Like I hate all three parties - whats the point in electing someone who will do more harm than good? Get George Galloway or Nigel Farage up there - they'll at least do things for the public, rather than themselves.

The night is young though!

NICK CLEGG, you are the Day Dedicatee for Thursday 6th May 2010.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Wednesday 5th May 2010 - David Cameron

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
So, as promised, General Election Blog #2. And if many are to be believed, this man will be in Number 10 in 24 hours time. Today goes to DAVID CAMERON.

The man who made politics youthful and cool again, Cameron has inspired thousands already. He's rejuvenated a party that was dwindling (still) under the might of Margaret Thatcher's reign - 20 years beforehand.

He revamped the image, and put together a team who could be relied on. The Tories surged ahead in every poll known to man - until the latter half of last year.

Expenses broke, and they were still top, but people slowly began to lose faith. More problems occured, and Cameron stuttered, and now the Tories are level-pegging with all three other parties.

Whatever happens tomorrow, Cameron will still be remembered as the man who really changed the Conservative party. He won't be out of a job, that's for sure.

I reckon the Tories will win by a small majority, but to be honest, I wouldn't begrudge any other party the win. All I want is for the cuts to be slow and less painful than the knife being wielded aimlessly, but providing we get what we pay for in taxes, it's all fine by me.

Tomorrow, its Election Day. Also Isobel's birthday. But we'll be covering ol' Cleggy tomorrow!

DAVID CAMERON, you are the Day Dedicatee for Wednesday 5th May 2010.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Tuesday 4th May 2010 - Gordon Brown

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
So, here we go. The next few days will be spent, obviously, covering Thursday's general election. Surprisingly, I'm very excited - because of how unpredicatble it will be. I've decided to take a look at the three major party leaders, so, General Election Blog #1 will be looking at GORDON BROWN.

The man with the charisma of a breezeblock. The man who has slammed everything known to man, and is now called 'The Bigot' because of his comments last week. But has everything he done been bad?

I reckon 75% of the nation would say 'Yes', but how many of them will vote against him? I'm unable to vote, but if I could, I'm still a flux voter. Brown may have caused a fair chunk of the recession in this country, but bloody hell, he's done an incredible job of getting us out. Singlehandedly too.

I don't like the Labour cabinet, or much of the Labour party. I've been brought up in a Tory house. But I'm allowed my own opinion, and I personally think Brown has done a very good job as PM, and handled the media pressure well. His time may be nearing a close, but Labour would be stupid to sack hiom as Leader. There is no-one better.

Tomorrow, we'll have a look at Cameron, then Thursday, we may have a couple of updates throughout the night, but mainly looking at Clegg.

48 hours to go.

GORDON BROWN, you are the Day Dedicatee for Tuesday 4th May 2010.

Monday 3rd May 2010 - Boredom

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Have you ever had that feeling where you just can't be bothered to do absolutely anything? Or where you just really can't be arsed to move from the forementioned and do something?

Today, I ahd that feeling for most of the day. Today goes to BOREDOM.

Now once I'd done some revision, prepared Isobel's birthday surprises, and sorted everything I needed to, I had absolutely nothing to do - at all. I was so fed up, and had to wait a further 6 hours till bed time. What a joke.

BOREDOM, you are the Day Dedicatee for Monday 3rd May 2010.

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Sunday 2nd May 2010 - Rafael Benitez

020510 Rafa Benitez
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Just before I begin, I apologise if this bores you. Don't be turned off as it were - just testing the water for the summer. Gonna try a different aspect a bit later in the week as well!

Well, the Premier League season has been taken to the final day for only the 5th time in its 19-year history - but today doesn't involve Chelsea or United. Today, in fact, involves Liverpool, and in particular, this man - RAFAEL BENITEZ.

If the papers are to be believed this morning (and for the last 6 months, in fact), and if the TV cameras this evening were right, it looks as if Rafa Benitez will be leaving Liverpool at the end of the season - but to go where? And who will replace him?

Juventus would be stupid to take him on if they can't offer the right package in the next few years. He could be out of a job (twice) because of transfer difficulties and stupid decisions. Send him off to Russia somewhere...

But who could come in for him? Martin O'Neill has said he wants to stay at Villa, and finish the job. Roy Hodgson has apparently told friends he's ready for one more big challenge, but can you see him at Liverpool? I certainly can't.

Mourinho will either stay at Inter for another season, or go to Madrid. If he comes to England now, he'll never be offered the United job, so will stay away.

Which leaves you with the more bizarre candidates. Slaven Bilic could go, and try and make a name for himself. I think Avram Grant would do a good job - just been relegated with Portsmouth, but has proved himself as a manager with high calibre after his spell at Chelsea. Alex McLeish would be a good call too, but he's about to sign a new contract.

Then you look abroad. Another stirling candidate is Laurent Blanc, who has shown he really can do a good job with smaller clubs, but would Liverpool take the risk? I'm sure Alain Perrin wouldn't mind being linked either.

But then you have the one person who has been linked to the club every time the job is under threat - Jurgen Klinsmann. Will he finally join the Reds?

Comment away, Tweet me - however you wish. Just let me know what you think!

RAFAEL BENITEZ, you are the Day Dedicatee for Sunday 2nd May 2010.

Saturday 1st May 2010 - iMac

010510 iMac
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the last month of Day Dedication. I shall try and make it the best month we've had together, and live in hope that inspiration appears come July!

And today actually proves why I want to nip this little bugger in the bud, and keep it good while I can. Isobel and I had our birthday trip into London today - it was such a brilliant day. But I couldn't Dedicate to Isobel - she's already had a day. So has London. And the BBC, where I FINALLY got to visit today. So I've gone for the second piece of big news today. Today, Dad bought one of these beasty boys. We, as of Monday, will be proud owners of a brand new, 27-inch iMAC.

It's the high-end model - 2.66Ghz, 1TB hard drive, build-in camera model, with loads of software budnled on. We're even gonna be running Windows 7 alongside Mac OS X - which isn't done very often!

So I'm now very excited for this thing to arrive on Monday - and then I'm gonna rip it out the box and have a play!

iMAC, you are the Day Dedicatee for Saturday 1st May 2010.