Monday, 12 October 2009

Monday 12th October 2009 - George Rule

121009 George Rule
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
A new format of blog! Wahey!

So, its a very personal one today, for only the third time. It just worked out today, it really did.

Today's candidates were as follows...

- Michael Jackon (his new single was 'released' today, it is absolutely awesome. Classic MJ. But he's already been done!)
- Alexandra Burke (her new single was also released today! Now thats bloody good too!)
- Daisy Buck (Someone who has kept me ticking over with some very philisophical questions today!)
- Isobel Murray (A candidate every day, its just been one of those days where everything she said or did turned to gold. Apart from the bon bon incident...)

But the eventual winner was someone I wasn't expecting to blog about for a good while yet!

Yes, as you can see from the picture, the fifth and final candidate was George. Now George and I didn't have Willby today, so it was us all day! And bloody hell it was a good laugh! Its been a while since I've laughed that much!

Loved every second of today. Knowing that tonight was coming, I decided to create a mental note of all the things people have done during the day. And George's name kept occuring! So thats why today is dedicated to George.

George, you are the Day Dedicatee for Monday 12th October 2009!

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