Friday, 30 October 2009

Friday 30th October 2009 - Dog Poo On Your Shoe

Do you not just hate it when that happens?

Todays Day Dedicatee is DOG POO ON YOUR SHOE. A certain someone trod on my foot today, and left a big turdy stain across the top of my white trainers. Admittedly, I had pushed her into the poo to start with, but still, women!

Today has been such good fun. Michael Buble should have got it again, or Allison in Waterstone's, or even Carol Ann Duffy. Such a good day.

Bar the turdiness.

Dog Poo On Your Shoe is the Day Dedicatee for Friday 30th October 2009.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Thursday 29th October 2009 - Planet Earth

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
I don't want to say too much about this. Only that if you believe what I do, then you'll know it will be all gone within 50 years due to climate change. Ditch it or ditch this.

Planet Earth, my home, my place
A capricious anomaly in the sea of space
Planet Earth are you just
Floating by, a cloud of dust
A minor globe, about to bust
A piece of metal bound to rust
A speck of matter in a mindless void
A lonely spacship, a large asteroid

Cold as a rock without a hue
Held together with a bit of glue
Something tells me this isn't true
You are my swweetheart soft and blue
Do you care, have you a part
In the deepest emotions of my own heart
Tender with breezes caressing and whole
Alive with music, haunting my soul.

In my veins I've felt the mystery
Of corridors of time, books of hisotry
Life songs of ages throbbing in my blood
Have danced the rhythm of the tide and flood
Your misty clouds, your electric storm
Were turbulent tempests in my own form
I've licked the salt, the bitter, the sweet
Of every encounter, of passion, of heat
Your riotous color, your fragrance, your taste
Have thrilled my senses beyond all haste
In your beuaty, I've known the how
Of timeless bliss, this moment of now

Planet Earth are you just
Floating by, a cloud of dust
A minor globe, about to bust
A piece of metal bound to rust
A speck of matter in a mindless void
A lonely spacship, a large asteroid
Cold as a rock without a hue
Held together with a bit of glue
Something tells me this isn't true
You are my sweetheart gentle and blue
Do you care, have you a part
In the deepest emotions of my own heart
Tender with breezes caressing and whole
Alive with music, haunting my soul.
Planet Earth, gentle and blue
With all my heart, I love you

PLANET EARTH, you are the Day Dedicatee for Thursday 29th October 2009.

Wednesday 28th October 2009 - Sleep

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
By this stage last night, I was shattered, so here is what I wrote...

My bed. I miss it. I have this thing, and its not the same! Yes, its what I'm used to for when we come up north, but its not the same!

My bed doesn't make my back hurt, or keep me so hot I can't sleep. But sleep is the key.

Hence why SLEEP gets it today, been knackered. And I really need my bed now, need some proper kip. Can't wait for tomorrow.

Sleep, you are the Day Dedicatee for Wednesday 28th October 2009.

Tuesday 27th October 2009 - Nana

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
A very, very personal one for today.

Today, my Dedicatee is NANA. Now I didn't think it was right to put a picture of her on here, so instead she gets a big smile. We've talked about her a lot today, and I really miss her. I don't really do a lot of talking about her, so hopefully this will serve as something to look back on.

Jacqueline Cummings was born on the 29th of May, 1939. She met Grandad in her early 20's, and they finished twice because of an Austrian ski instructor called Rudi. Now Rudi wasn't liked by Nana's parents, but Grandad was, and the rest, they say, is history.

Nana and Grandad got married on the 24th of October, 1959, and Grandad still loves to talk about their wedding day. Mum came along on 12th September 1962, Uncle Tim was brought a long a couple of years after, and Uncle Jay was born in October 1968. Over the next 20 years, Nana would work her backside off to make sure the 3 kids could have what they wanted, especially with Grandad being away a lot.

After Mum met Dad, and they moved down to Hitchin in 1988, and then Uncle Tim moved away shortly after, Uncle Jay was left. Then Katie and I arrived in April 1993, and Nana and Grandad were down every weekend. Literally, every weekend. 200 miles, 3 hours in the car, and they still managed it. So for the next few years, both Nana and Grandad worked 9-5 every weekday, then got up at 6am on the Saturday to come down to see us, then go Sunday morning. Not much of a break!

Nana retired in 1998, and from then on in, she spent her time (and her pension) with us. Same as Grandad. Both were always around somewhere, Nana ringing every day became a tradition. I remember one New Year's Revolution, I decided to speak to Nana every day. I'm so upset I never stuck to it.

Then Uncle Jay had William in 2004, so we saw Nana and Grandad less. It meant we had to go up to them, rather than them coming to us.

My last conversation with Nana was on Thursday 26th June 2008, a couple of days before. I cannot believe what was said. 'Hello'; 'Hello love, how are you?'; 'I'm good thankyou, you?'; 'Good thanks, is your mum in?'; 'Yeah just get her, hang on' - that was it. The last time I would ever speak to Nana.

She fell, hit her head and had a massive brain aneurysm on the Saturday. I was going on the Biology field trip on Sunday morning. I had a choice. Nana would want me to go, so I did. Bit of a shock to find that kind of voicemail after a cricket game though.

Sunday morning, I went. Quite tearful, I sat next to George and explained. Kept in touch with Dad, and on the Wednesday morning, I got the call to ring him, and he told me they'd turned off her life support that morning. I tried so so hard not to cry, I bottled up my emotion. George that day was an absolute star, he got me through the rest of that week.

The funeral was Friday 10th July 2009, and that was when I weeped. And I mean weeped, I sobbed for hours. Poor Grandad had never had his hand gripped so hard.

But shes not gone. She never will go. She has her little bit in the garden, we have all the pictures, and most of all, we have her feathers. Now Nana had this thing where if she saw a white feather, she'd pick it up, as it was 'from her guardian angel, just letting her know she was still there'. Ever since she died, the whole family have had feathers. We have our little box downstairs, Grandad has his, and so does little Will. She's still here.

I feel a sense of relief from writing all this. I've never properly said anything about it. I remember the good times with Nana, and any tears are happy tears, of how much she influenced my life. Last Saturday would have been Nana and Grandad's golden wedding anniversary. So this week was quite sombre.

I miss her every day. And that is every single day. But she may be gone in person, but she's still around. In fact, she's probably reading this now.

Nana, I love you, and today, you are my Day Dedicatee for Tuesday 27th October 2009.

Monday 26th October 2009 - Michael Buble

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Right, time to catch up on some blogging!

Today's winner is this man, MICHAEL BUBLE. Its been a long day, a trip up to Formby - so nearly 4 hours in the car. Very long.

But even though I've been bored out of my mind, I've had Mr Buble keeping me company today. His records are just amazing, and I love how his voice just matches all the swing stuff.

Michael Buble is the Day Dedicatee for Monday 26th October 2009.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Sunday 25th October 2009 - San Francisco 49ers

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Its gonna be my last blog for a few days, but I'll try my best to get something on at least!

The 49ers. Always been part of my life due to Uncle Graham. But this season is my first season actually attempting to follow them.

Today, we lost 24-21 to the Houston Texans. Now I understand the game, the touchdown stuff and attacking, and all the 'ands' you get in between numbers. But I don't have a clue who half our players are! All I know is that when Alex Smith plays, we are a quality team.

Both my teams lost today - the 49ers and United - but I'm happy with the 49er loss. We were 21-0 down at some stage, but in teh 4th quarter scored 14 points to give us a chance!

The San Francisco 49ers, you are the Day Dedicatees for Sunday 25th October 2009.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Saturday 24th October 2009 - Smiling

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
'A smile takes the pain away.' It also does the exact opposite, and a smile can also bring happiness and joy to your life. One did, and it featured a lot in my day today!

Now I've written 6 Books now, and this smile has featured heavily in the last 3. And thankfully, it was around today.

A smile can tell a thousand words. Mine today told just 3.

Smiling, you are the Day Dedicatee for Saturday 24th October 2009.

Friday, 23 October 2009

Friday 23rd October 2009 - KitKat Chunky

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
With under 5 minutes of battery left, this will be the fastest blog ever written!

So, the last day of term was today, so how do we celebrate? Some celebrate with beer. Some celebrate with a quick puff on a shared spliff. But oh no, I celebrated with a KitKat Chunky.

I love the bit of chocolate on both end, or the fact that if you lick the top, you don't get any crumbs! A brilliant Nestle invention.

The Day Dedicatee for Friday 23rd October 2009 is a Nestle KitKat Chunky.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Thursday 22nd October 2009 - Harold Pinter

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
I've picked Harold Pinter tonight because I feel the play we're about to start reading could very well change the next half term of school!

It'll be a quick one, cos Question Time is on! We're about to start 'The Caretaker' - gotta read it over half term. Looks quite good, even if it is about tramps!

Harold Pinter, you are the Day Dedicatee for Thursday 22nd October 2009.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Wednesday 21st October 2009 - Keith Floyd

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Ah, a legend gets it today. I seriously love this man.

Keith Floyd, an incredible chef. Now I wouldn't necessarily call him an influence in my cooking, but he certainly has shown me a lot of things!

The way he can cook relentlessly, and still have a massive smile on his face. The way he has that LARGE glass of red wine in his hand while he glazes a massive piece of gammon. The little bow tie which really sums him up. Quirky, with a lot of taste.

The man sadly died last month, and it really was upsetting. But then again, it brought all his old programmes back to the forefront of British cooking.

Keith Floyd, you, your programmes and your incredible inspiration to the world of cooking, you are the Day Dedicatee for Wednesday 21st October 2009.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Tuesday 20th October 2009 - Jigsaw Puzzle

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
I can't really explain this one. It is intended for someone, lets put it this way.

Erm, well yes, I can't say much about it! It all fits together (get it?!) if you know the background story!

So a very pointless blog, unless you are said person!

Jigsaw Puzzles, you are the Day Dedicatee for Tuesday 20th October 2009.

Monday, 19 October 2009

Monday 19th October 2009 - Autumn Days

191009 Autumn Days
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Today, I would say was one of the coldest days of the year by far. It was so chilly, it was horribly nice. Does that make sense?

And after checking the weather forecast, the weather looks to be getting a little bit warmer, but a lot more gorgeous. Orange is well and truly on its way.

Now its not just because orange is my favourite colour. But don't you just think autumn is an amazing season? The crunch of the leaves under foot as you kick them about like you're 6 all over again. The big thick coats can finally come out the back of the wardrobe and be worn after nearly 6 months sitting there. The warmth of the large caramel mocha you're holding through your big woolly gloves. The chill in the air, the steam from your mouth, the little icicle you get on the end of your nose. The menthol tissues being put right in front of you as you walk in a shop. The big scarves, the thick tights on the women, and the return of baggy jeans for men. Its just one of those seasons that I love.

This year though is extra special. There is a certain someone to share it all with! Happy days.

For the first time, a season takes a day. Autumn Days, you are the Day Dedicatee for Monday 19th October 2009.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Sunday 18th October 2009 - Alexandra Burke

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181009 Alexandra Burke,
originally uploaded by Adam9309.
A tricky one today. Now, before I start, what i've decided to do is scrap the candidate thing, cos its so annoying to try and think of enough people to make a shortlist! But if someone or something has affected my day, then there will be a mention!

So, Alexandra gets my vote today. Her album arrived yesterday, 2 days ahead of schedule, and is absolutely incredible. Probably one of the best debut albums this century. It is just one of those albums where you love every track.

It also happens that she came off one of my favourite TV shows, but hey ho! She is a follower on Twitter, I'm a fan on Facebook, and now I own her album. Even better!

The Day Dedication for Sunday 18th October 2009 is Alexandra Burke.

Saturday 17th October 2009 - Waterstone's Hitchin

171009 Waterstone's
171009 Waterstone's,
originally uploaded by Adam9309.
A shop I hear you say?! A shop?!

I have no candidates today, cos this one just walks it every day of the week.

I have a very legitimate reason for this: I may be on for a job with Waterstone's, my favourite shop in the whole wide world.

The smell of freshly-cut books as you walk through the door. The happy faces behind the counter that always recognise a regular face. The kids in the back corner picking a new favourite book with their mums and dads. The old men on their knees looking at the World War book collection. The fresh-faced looking men all searching through the new autobiographies. It is my absolutely favourite place in the world. I adore Waterstone's, and I just wish I had more time to read, and more money to buy books!

I tend to read a lot of autobiographies, and 75% of my Christmas wish list are books. I just hope that I can get this job!

Waterstone's Hitchin, you are the Day Dedicatees for Saturday 17th October 2009.

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Friday 16th October 2009 - Jeff Stelling

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
I apologise for how late this is! There weren't many candidates, as it was a really poor day! But hey ho.

Jeff Stelling wins today! He's always amde me laugh, and Mum was going on about getting his book for Dad for Christmas. Until I showed her my copy!

He always makes me laugh though, been watching him today and reflecting on yesterday! Been such a laugh!

Jeff Stelling, you are the Day Dedicatee for Friday 16th October 2009.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Thursday 15th October 2009 - My Books

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
A choice that has been decided for a year. Today!

There were no other candidates for today, as this has been planned. Today, one year ago, I started my diary. i started the journey from Book to Book, resulting in this Book VI and Blog I, being created.

Thankyou to everyone who helped create it, better it and make it what it is.

My Books, you are the Day Dedicatee for Thursday 15th October 2009.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Wednesday 14th October 2009 - Boris Johnson

141009 Boris Johnson
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Well, with the next two days already planned for blogs, who do you expect?! The Pope?!

Today's candidates are...

- Mariah Carey (the Queen of Music, never mind pop. Had a bit of a marathon tonight, but she's been done!)
- David Cameron (another political figurehead, but this one's being saved for when he is made PM next May!)
- Mrs Ganguly (my Business Studies teacher. Gotta say, I really didn't like her to start with, and now I really do!)
- Isobel Murray (again. She's completely made my day today, and I haven't even seen her this evening! She knows why though!)

My winner today was... Boris Johnson.

Now I've spent all evening writing a Politics essay, and I'm only halfway. But part of it was about the Mayor of London, and reading some of his speeches, and his history, is the funniest thing the Government have ever done!

A man in charge of the biggest capital in Europe in terms of finance and power, who hates Scousers? A man whose hair really shouldn't be that colour? A man who calls ping pong 'whiff whaff' and tries to take over the 2008 Olympics? Pure class.

Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you my Day Dedicatee for Wednesday 14th October 2009, The Right Honorable Mayor of London, Mr Boris Johnson MP.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Tuesday 13th October 2009 - See The Stars

131009 See The Stars
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
A horse, I hear you say?! Not just any horse!

Todays candidates were...

- Wendy Pearce (Willby's mum, but probably the most lovely second mother you could ever meet!)
- Frank Skinner (totally obsessed with football, and a funny man. Perfect!)
- Bill Bailey (my favourite comedian, he is just so diverse and amazingly funny!)

And todays winner, See The Stars.

The unique treble-winning horse retired today, after an incredible couple of years. Probably one of the most successful horses of recent years, it has won a lot of people a lot of money!

So, I apologise for a short blog, but See The Stars, you are the Day Dedicatee for Tuesday 13th October 2009!

Monday, 12 October 2009

Monday 12th October 2009 - George Rule

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
A new format of blog! Wahey!

So, its a very personal one today, for only the third time. It just worked out today, it really did.

Today's candidates were as follows...

- Michael Jackon (his new single was 'released' today, it is absolutely awesome. Classic MJ. But he's already been done!)
- Alexandra Burke (her new single was also released today! Now thats bloody good too!)
- Daisy Buck (Someone who has kept me ticking over with some very philisophical questions today!)
- Isobel Murray (A candidate every day, its just been one of those days where everything she said or did turned to gold. Apart from the bon bon incident...)

But the eventual winner was someone I wasn't expecting to blog about for a good while yet!

Yes, as you can see from the picture, the fifth and final candidate was George. Now George and I didn't have Willby today, so it was us all day! And bloody hell it was a good laugh! Its been a while since I've laughed that much!

Loved every second of today. Knowing that tonight was coming, I decided to create a mental note of all the things people have done during the day. And George's name kept occuring! So thats why today is dedicated to George.

George, you are the Day Dedicatee for Monday 12th October 2009!

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Sunday 11th October 2009 - Mariah Carey

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
One I should have already done!

In the last of the current format of blogs, Mariah gets the nod. Ahead of a few too many to list!

Now there is no-one else who has had as much coverage on my iPod as dear old Mariah. She may be 39, and she may be very close to outliving potential, but my God shes had a good career. I own every CD, and love every one of them.

They get better as well! Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel is out next month, and to be honest, I am so excited! Gonna be a fabulous album!

Mariah Carey, Sunday 11th October 2009 is yours!

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Saturday 10th October 2009 - Fiddler on the Roof

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
A unanimous choice for today!

Now this afternoon was spent with Isobel. A brilliant day. Went out for lunch, and was our first proper meal out! Was lovely! And then this afternoon was spent watching 'Fiddler on the Roof' at the Gordon Craig, was brilliant! Much better than I expected!

I'm sorry for how short this is but I've got a horrific cough!

Fiddler on teh Roof, Saturday 10th October 2009 is yours.

Friday 9th October 2009 - Michael Jackson

091009 Michael Jackson
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Oh no! I'm late with this one, but I have my reasons (Isobel...)

Next Monday, the format of my blog will change ever so slightly. I'll list my candidates, and then decide who to give the day to! It'll make more sense when it happens!

'Today' was 4 months of me and Isobel! And it's been brilliant! But MJ has a big significance to us both. And its staying secret! But its a good enough reason!

I'm saving Isobel for a better day! Sticking to my rules!

Michael Jackson, Friday 9th October 2009 is yours.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Thursday 8th October 2009 - Gregg Wallace

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
He may look like an egg with glasses on. He may also have one of the most annoying voices on TV. But tonight, he has become one of my favourite TV personas.

'THIS FOOD IS LARVLEY!' seemed to be a common theme on Masterchef tonight. As did 'TOO MANY HERRRRRRRRRBS!' Oh, and you can't forget 'PHWOAR!' Yes, he did actually say that.

The liver wasn't cooked. The venison was, and was cooked to perfection. The cucumber sorbet didn't work, but then again, at least it was a pudding that went out. And pomegranate and watermelon works too.

This evening, I did make George wet himself, just a little bit with my Masterchef quote. But then again, he very nearly made me wet myself with his quote! Good old TV-MSN combinations!

This evening, my day is well and truly awarded to someone who has brought a smile to my face. And yes George, you were also very close to gaining today.

Tonight, Gregg Wallace, Thursday 8th October 2009 is yours.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Wednesday 7th October 2009 - Christmas in New York

071009 Christmas in NYC
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
I hate Wednesday's. Middle of the week, a full day in school - why is it any good?

And why does this link to my day?

I'll tell you why. Christmas is coming. It really is. The Christmas CD's are properly out this week, I'm in such a wintery mood, and the snow is forecast for December. It is going to be perfect. And my Business Studies lesson was planning my perfect Christmas.

Why, I hear you ask, have you chosen Christmas in New York?! New York at Christmas is where I would love to be. I want to take Isobel, and walk through Central Park early Christmas Day, to return to find an 8ft Christmas tree covered in gold tinsel sitting at the house with two presents underneath, and Diana Krall and her orchestra playing in the corner. We can all dream...

But NYC at Christmas, covered in snow?! It would be perfect. Just look at that picture? Now that is Christmas perfection. A couple of snowmen, maybe an ice rink, and lots of colourful coats and wellies - now you have the perfect scene.

Christmas in New York, Wednesday 7th October 2009 is yours.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Tuesday 6th October 2009 - Beechams

061009 Beechams
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Ah... Its quarter past 8, and I'm sitting down to write my blog. Don't do this very often!

Well, todays been a bit of a mish mash. Got up at 7, only to find I had a high temperature, felt like a dog turd and couldn't talk, so dear old Mother told me to get back into bed and she'd sort the rest. Aren't Mums just great?!

Got up again at half 11, had a chat with Isobel, then went down to have some lunch, came back up, and jumped on here. Facebook is a very lonely place at half past 1 in the afternoon.

But the one consistent thing today was my runny nose. And that was down to good old Beechams. Specifically, the Flu Plus tablets. They may not work for ages, but then they kick in!

Isobel has been checking on me all day, bless her. And I've snotted all over myself and my phone just to try and make sure I sound better! So hopefully, tomorrow is a new day and tomorrow brings a healthy me!

Beechams, Tuesday 6th October 2009 is yours.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Monday 5th October 2009 - Kleenex

051009 Kleenex
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Kleenex. Primarily a tissue associated with tears, but today, its associated with the flu, the cold and a general bunged up nose.

Now I've had my good ole hanky all day at school, and then this evening, when I've been with Isobel, its tissues all the way.

Now I've felt better during the day, but not great. Tonight its getting worse, again! But hopefully Isobel will wake up feeling better, as will I!

She had a bad day, mostly because of me and 'The Bug'. So hopefully it gets better!

Kleenex, Monday 5th October 2009 is yours.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Saturday 4th October 2009 - The X Factor

041009 The X Factor
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
2 days, 2 programmes!

One is all about blood, guts, moaning, tears and tantrums. And the other is called Casualty.

The X Factor. It properly starts next week, but they are all picked tonight. As I type, Dannii is the only one to pick. Lucie, Rachel and Stacey all through so far. Good choices actually! Looking forward to Simon's pick though.

The X Factor has had me glued to my seat every Saturday and Sunday. Its brilliant, I can't get enough.

The X Factor, Saturday 4th October is yours!

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Saturday 3rd October 2009 - Casualty

031009 Casualty
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
Nothing like a bit of 'gore' on a Saturday night now is there?!

Casualty has suddenly become one of my favourite programmes, and for no apparent reason either! I reckon its something to do with my Media Studies A Level, mainly because we had to watch a clip one lesson! Bit sad really!

But yes, the F2's are brilliant, I'm slowly getting the hang of the lalagalathrosis stuff, and I now know what a Clinical Lead is! Doesn't mean I like blood and the horrible gory bits yet though!

Its become the programme myself and Isobel share. Same as today really. A perfect afternoon with a perfect woman. Shame I've seen this Casualty and she's out and about with the boys and girls tonight!

Hey ho! I'm sure Casualty will keep going, beyond its 21st year.

Casualty, Saturday 3rd October 2009 is yours.

Friday 2nd October 2009 - Hitchin CC

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Originally uploaded by Adam9309
I know its late, and I know why! This one has a good reason though.

Hitchin Cricket Club. Now how many of you honestly know where Hitchin is? Its quite a large town, 30 miles from London. And it homes the best cricket team in the world. Fact.

Last night was the cricket club do. End of the season, and an opportunity to celebrate this year's achievements. 1's up, 2's consolidate and 3's up. And I hardly drank anything!

Hitchin CC, Friday 2nd October is yours!

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Thursday 1st October 2009 - Khaled Hosseini

011009 Khaled Hosseini
Originally uploaded by Adam9309
A new month!

And to start off, yesterday was completely right, and then some. Paolo was incredible, such a good concert.

But Khaled Hosseini gets it today. His book has ruined my enjoyment of English. The Kite Runner is one of the worst pieces of forced literature I've ever read.

Yes, there is a rape. But could it not wait till later on in the book? At least then it would keep you interested, waiting for the action. Its just such a boring book, and one I will be too glad to get rid of when I'm all done!

Khaled Hosseini (& your bad writing), Thursday 1st October 2009 is yours.